View Full Version : "Runt" of the tank and some bullying- what to do?

05-08-2012, 07:19 PM
I have some discus that are all roughly the same size. There is one discus in the tank that gets picked on by the other fish when it is feeding time so it doesn't get as much food as the others. I have noticed that this discus is quite a bit more slender than the others in the tank.

Last week, I moved this fish into a separate tank that I have that houses 2 other discus (male and female) hoping that they would not pick on her so much and that the "runt" would be able to get more of the food.

All of my discus are healthy and fat except this one.

The interesting thing is that since I moved her into the new tank, she appears to be dropping her egg tube. One of the other fish in the tank is swimming up to her and bumping her on the side (not head on face to face or lip locking). Could this be breeding behavior by any chance or is she just getting picked on in this tank too?

Thanks for your advice/opinions.

05-08-2012, 07:34 PM
There's almost always one that will get bullied and be smaller. If you remove the one getting bullied there will most likely be another one that takes it's place.

05-08-2012, 07:36 PM
There's almost always one that will get bullied and be smaller. If you remove the one getting bullied there will most likely be another one that takes it's place.

yep.. leave it.. or else you will get two runted fish

05-08-2012, 07:53 PM
Survival of the fittest lol. Yep natures way of selection. Normal no worries!

05-08-2012, 09:06 PM
I would do nothing. Let it be. Better one runt/stunted fish than two. The risk of buying young fish.

05-08-2012, 11:03 PM
Thanks, everyone.

I thought I should be clearer in my post. The discus who is being picked on is 6" in size and her tank mates are the same size.

She is so much thinner than the others that I am concerned that she will eventually perish. I assumed it was due to the bullying. Is there any chance she could have worms and that would cause her thinness? She is the only discus in the tank who is not plump and looking well fed.

05-09-2012, 12:28 AM
Anything is possible. Have you seen any other signs making you think illness? Pictures would help.

05-09-2012, 05:03 AM
I have some discus that are all roughly the same size. There is one discus in the tank that gets picked on by the other fish when it is feeding time so it doesn't get as much food as the others. I have noticed that this discus is quite a bit more slender than the others in the tank.exactly how many do you have in this tank? and how big is the tank?
just curious.
I have six in a 65g & have one fish who is in the same scenario - i try to feed so that she gets some (feed on one side, then scatter some food for her on the opposite side).

05-09-2012, 08:56 PM
It is a 40 gallon tank and I have 3 discus in it. They range fro 3.5 inches to 6 inches.

Immured to have 4 but I moved the thin one out into another similar tank with a pair in it.

All of the other discus look very healthy. This one seems thinner than the rest and gets picked on at eating time.