View Full Version : Need help again.....

05-17-2012, 09:21 AM
My 4 juvies are 6 months old now...and lately, there has been a noticeable decrease in their appetite! Other then that, they act normally. My question....could this be normal????? Should I be worried?? They do eat, just not nearly as much as they used to, and not as eager as they used to be. I haven't changed the food, and I give them a variety, such as fd black worms, fbs, tetra bits, ciclid crisps, and new life spectrum discus formula ( which they never have liked) I have increased my wc to 50% every day rather than 50% every other day! The final question is....Can you more experienced discus keeper give me some advise???

05-17-2012, 10:00 PM
Has the tank temp changed? Most of us keep juvies around 86 - 88. This helps their appetite. Other than the FDBW I think you can implement flakes with more protein than the ones you listed. Check out Ken's in the Sponsor section on AngelfishPlus online to see what else is out there.


05-18-2012, 11:40 AM
Have you ever de wormed?...

05-18-2012, 11:48 AM
Are you feeding the same food over and over or is it varied?

05-18-2012, 01:38 PM
Thank you for your quick responses....Ill answer them in the order they came.....I keep the temp at 84 to 86 degrees. I did not know that higher temps increased appitite. should I increase the temp? As far as de-worming, I have treated their tank with quick cure twice over the 3 months (because I thought they were scratching themselves) Their poop dosent show any signs of worms. The only new food that Ive given is the new life spectrum discus formula, which they dont like at all. With your experience, do you think they are getting enough nutrition? Is there a flake food that they will like and be good for them? I would appreciate any suggestions...