View Full Version : Do i need to age my water?

05-18-2012, 08:11 AM
I tested the ph of my tapwater after it was sitting for around 5 minutes, ph was 7.4/7.5. I left the water in a bucket and aerated it for 24 hours. After checking the ph, it was 7.6. Do i still have to age my water since this is only a small change?


05-18-2012, 09:14 AM
I'd say no, but make sure you use Prime to get rid of the chlorine etc.. Make sure you test the water every season though, as its composition vs change due to snow melt, seasonal additives and stuff.

05-18-2012, 10:37 AM
Thanks. Yeah, i always use a water conditioner to remove chlorine etc. Although i didn't add it when doing these tests? Would that have made any difference to the ph readings at all? This water was not put into the tank, just done as a test. I always condition water which goes into the tank.
