View Full Version : Baby discus breathing rapidly,

JustDiscus NZ
05-21-2012, 05:40 AM
Hey team....

I have 32 4-5 week old baby discus breathing at a very fast rate 145 breaths per min approx. They are in a 80l tank temp 29 deg, water conditions are all reading fine. Suspected gill flukes? they often rub against surfaces of the tank, eating fine. I treated them with a prduct from api called furan 2 but they still are breathing way to fast and im not sure what the next step is?

Could someone please help with advice on how to bring the breathing rate down or know whats causing them to stess ?

Thanks everyone/

05-21-2012, 07:53 AM
juvies/fry breath faster then adults..

05-21-2012, 08:41 AM
Furan 2 is an antibiotic and won't have any effect on flukes. And as Skip says, juvies breathe fast. If they have no other signs of illness or distress, I'd just watch them for now.