View Full Version : New to Forum and a few Questions

05-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Hi first time poster here so be kind. I've been reading this forum and others for days trying to decide whether I want to get into Discus.

1. I have a 50 gallon acrylic tank on order and while it is somewhat small for Discus, how many and how big of Discus would you start with? I understand the 10 gallon per fish rule, I guess I'm asking about 4 or 5.

2. I've read the sticky's about a planted tank and although I don't foresee this tank be heavily planted I do want a few plants in it. I've read that a planted tank is not good for juvuniles, is a 3" or 4" considered a juvunile?

3. Since I don't have any fish yet, what would be the best way to start a tank. Would you buy tank mates first, ie a few Corys and Tetras or get the Discus first and then add the mates?

4. I've been reading a lot about water changes. Most seem to use an aging barrel, but I don't have a location for one without putting it in the garage which would be subject to huge temperature swings. Are the Python type faucet adapters acceptable and is it okay to add tap water with chlorine neutralizers?

I really appreciate the information I've gotten from this website, there are certainly some passionate Discus keepers here!

05-21-2012, 04:51 PM
welcome to SD

read the first 14 stickys.. should give you all the information you seek if not more :)

05-21-2012, 04:59 PM
Welcome to SD!! Use warlock's advice and the search function because honestly I think we have all answered these same questions multiple times, then if you still have questions or need some clarification please feel free to fire away! Id be more than happy to give my two cents after a little bit of research has been done. Enjoy it and good luck!

05-21-2012, 05:05 PM
I've read them. If you have a specific answers to my questions in those threads I'd appreciate you pointing them out to me. Sometimes information overload is a bad thing.

05-21-2012, 05:13 PM
1. I have a 50 gallon acrylic tank on order and while it is somewhat small for Discus, how many and how big of Discus would you start with? I understand the 10 gallon per fish rule, I guess I'm asking about 4 or 5.

1 per 10 gallon is normally associated with ADULT FISH.. 6" plus.. you can put more.. but daily water changes would be a must since juvies require more feedings per day then adults..

2. I've read the sticky's about a planted tank and although I don't foresee this tank be heavily planted I do want a few plants in it. I've read that a planted tank is not good for juvuniles, is a 3" or 4" considered a juvunile?

its really the plants.. its substrates that cause issues.. anything under 4" or so.. and about 4 months are juvies.. you can have a 1.5 yr old fish that is 4 inch.. so its both size and age..

3. Since I don't have any fish yet, what would be the best way to start a tank. Would you buy tank mates first, ie a few Corys and Tetras or get the Discus first and then add the mates?

NO.. adding discus to existing stock could lead to cross contamination of disease between the two sets of fish.. go fishless.. or better yet.. have seller sell you a cycled sponge..

4. I've been reading a lot about water changes. Most seem to use an aging barrel, but I don't have a location for one without putting it in the garage which would be subject to huge temperature swings. Are the Python type faucet adapters acceptable and is it okay to add tap water with chlorine neutralizers?

you can go straight tap.. go buy touch.. you will feel difference..

i use python to drain and fill up.. i put hose in, add SAFE (enough for entire volume of tank, not just what was taken out) and filler up..


short and sweet

05-21-2012, 05:24 PM
ThankYou Warlock, You answered my questions exactly!

05-21-2012, 05:41 PM
ThankYou Warlock, You answered my questions exactly!

just answered ONE way.. there are others.. good luck :)

05-21-2012, 06:35 PM
One other question. I have a nice piece of Mopani wood that looks like an animal, four branches that hold it off of the bottom by about 4" and a large growth that goes up towards the surface. Would this be suitable for a Discus tank? I plan on planting some Java Fern on it and letting it cover it.

05-22-2012, 01:45 AM
Sometimes the discus get spooked and dart so just ck for sharp stuff. I QT and soak all wood for 30 days or longer to get rid of tannins.

05-22-2012, 11:45 AM
As Warlock said, his answers were just his own and other might have different ones. Here's mine:

Hi first time poster here so be kind. I've been reading this forum and others for days trying to decide whether I want to get into Discus.

1. I have a 50 gallon acrylic tank on order and while it is somewhat small for Discus, how many and how big of Discus would you start with? I understand the 10 gallon per fish rule, I guess I'm asking about 4 or 5.
If it was me (and it WAS me a year ago with a 50g tank), I'd purchase five 4" discus. They are easier to care for as a first timer and more resilient than juvies. They'll also fit nicely in the tank when full grown.

2. I've read the sticky's about a planted tank and although I don't foresee this tank be heavily planted I do want a few plants in it. I've read that a planted tank is not good for juvuniles, is a 3" or 4" considered a juvunile?
You can try a lightly planted tank with 4" sub-adults, but you are creating a LOT more work for yourself. It's easier to just go with a barebottom tank (with the driftwood) for the first few months while the fish are growing, and then to add the sand and plants once they've reached adult sizes. You'll be glad you did! =)

3. Since I don't have any fish yet, what would be the best way to start a tank. Would you buy tank mates first, ie a few Corys and Tetras or get the Discus first and then add the mates?
I'd buy the discus first and get them into the tank and settled and then buy my cory's and tetras and QT them in a separate tank before adding them to the main tank in a few months.

4. I've been reading a lot about water changes. Most seem to use an aging barrel, but I don't have a location for one without putting it in the garage which would be subject to huge temperature swings. Are the Python type faucet adapters acceptable and is it okay to add tap water with chlorine neutralizers?
Most here on the forums feel that you don't need to have an aging barrel so long as the pH of your tap water doesn't drop or rise drastically when you age it for 24 hours. Other always age no matter what. I personally don't age my water because it only sits in my tank for 24 hours between water changes so there isn't any change in pH.

I really appreciate the information I've gotten from this website, there are certainly some passionate Discus keepers here!

05-22-2012, 04:46 PM
Thanks, I've read mountains of information here. I think what I'm going to do is get my tank cycled, buy the Discus I want (4"), get them aclimated to their new tank and then start the display process with sand and natural plants.

Once again I appreciate the information everyone has given me off of this site!

05-23-2012, 05:05 PM
Another question. Since I work 12 hours a day, should I buy an automatic feeder to feed them while I'm at work
(assume 4" fish)? Also, what kind of food would do well in an auto feeder?

I'm trying to do all of the research I can before buying any fish to make sure that they have the best chance of survival.

05-23-2012, 05:41 PM
I think what I'm going to do is get my tank cycled, buy the Discus I want (4"), get them aclimated to their new tank and then start the display process with sand and natural plants.I strongly recommend buying from a SD sponsor here, and instead of going thru a long fishless cycle, get your Discus source to send you a seeded sponge and just put it in you tank! :) that's what I did initially, bought my 6 fish and two seeded Hydro 4 sponge filters from Kenny Cheung. they all arrived together, and voila my tank had instant beneficial bacteria :D.

good luck and have fun reading.........I can't tell you how much time I have spent using the "advanced search" function here LOLOL!!!
welcome to SD :)

ps - I don't know a thing about auto feeders, so can't advise. +1 to all the other great answers here!