View Full Version : Discus Laid Eggs for the First Time

05-22-2012, 10:03 AM
Last night I did a 100% water change and set the new water from the aging tank to 83 degrees F from their normal 85 degree F temp and notice that it trigger them to start cleaning the driftwood as they are getting ready to lay eggs. Sure enough this morning I work up and saws eggs on one of the driftwood. I'm not sure which of my Discus is the female but those eggs aren't fertilize so it was eaten up 30mins after I saw the eggs. Looks like they ate most of the eggs before I saw them. My question is it possible to have two female Discus that can lay eggs without the male to fert it? One is only 4" while the other one is 6". If so I will probably start looking for a male Discus to add to my display tank. If I have a pair I guess I'll just have to wait and see how they do from here on.
