View Full Version : A little add-on to my thread on DISCUS - '6 Cardinal Rules for Newbies to follow

05-26-2012, 09:03 PM
I call it: "Stress" - a major "Poor" factor for discus (and any other fish for that matter)

As most of you know, stress in fish is the prelude to a lot of negatives associated with successful fish-keeping.

Here's a list of "poor" conditions causing stress, leading to a weakening of the immune system, then failing health, and serious problems for your discus (and any other fish):
- Poor water quality and conditions;
- Poor diet;
- Poor choice of numbers to be kept in a given-sized tank - i.e, overcrowding;
- Poor attention to social make-up & compatabilty - e.g. too few discus & bullying result;
- Poor choice of stocking sources for discus ( e.g. lesser quality LFS's);
- Poor research into caring for discus (and any other fish);
- Poor choice of tank size, and size of fish to keep therein;

The list goes on.