View Full Version : Introducing new discus ...

05-28-2012, 03:49 PM
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this site and first and foremost I want to say thank you to all you discus lovers!
I've had discus for many years but have been very spoiled and purchased them from only one breeder. His fish have always been healthy and I've never had any problems introducing any new fish that I bought from him directly into my tank. He recently sold the business to another gentleman that imports his new stock. He said he drops the PH to around 4 after he gets them then slowly brings it back up. I purchased some small fish from him, put them in a quarantee tank for almost four weeks. They were doing great. I added them to my 240 gallon and three days later disaster hit. I came home from work to my fish gasping for air, clamped fins etc. I did the water changes, added more air stones and treated with furan 2. I ended up losing 5 of my discus, the new ones survived with no problems. My tank is okay now but my question is this ... I see many posts from people than buy and import fish from Hans etc and they add them to their tanks. Can you tell me how you do it? I don't want to lose any more fish but I also don't want to not be able to purchase new ones. Do you treat them while being quarantee'd and if so with what ?? I think my fish that I bought from the original breeder were all tank raised by him, no importing and that's why my fish from him weren't strong enough to handle anything that came in. Any information or response back to what's worked for you would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you so much!!!

mikula fronts
05-28-2012, 06:03 PM
I would always qt no matter who or where you get your fish from... 4 weeks min 6 weeks would be best .. I like to observe first and determine if any meds are needed...

05-29-2012, 12:54 PM
Thank you for responding ... my problem the first go around is that the new fish were eating great, normal feces, fins looked good etc. So I thought after 4 weeks they were good to go! I think they had an underlying bacteria issue even though they showed no sign of anything. I'm afraid if I get any new fish and they look good and are eating etc. I'm going to have the same problem and that's what I'm trying to avoid. Is there a standard procedure people do in qt???

Second Hand Pat
05-29-2012, 01:04 PM
Some people will move their least favorite fish (sacrificial lamb) to the QT with the new fish to see if there are any issues with either the new fish or the "sacrificial lamb" and go from there.

Floppy Fin's
05-29-2012, 01:07 PM
I am surprised that you had the results as per your posting, especially after a 4 week observation period... The only think I might suggest, is a introduction of a foam Hydro air filter that has been exposed for a week or so in your pirmary older tank to expose your older tank bacteria to the newer fish in their quaranteen tank. Or...just adding some of your older tank water may do that trick also.. smaller amounts over a period of water changes during quaranteen. but my advice is like Discus Hans.. Take it with a grain of wisdom.
"Floppy Fin's."

Floppy Fin's
05-29-2012, 01:08 PM
Some people will move their least favorite fish (sacrificial lamb) to the QT with the new fish to see if there are any issues with either the new fish or the "sacrificial lamb" and go from there.
I like that idea too, as a last resort.. but bacteria is bacteria, no matter how its introduced.. Save the fish.. :-)

Second Hand Pat
05-29-2012, 01:12 PM
Problem you need to expose both ways to be sure.

05-29-2012, 02:33 PM
Thank you. I really feel the problem was with the new fish. My qt is only 12 gallons and unfortunately I don't have any fish I could sacrifice so to speak as all my discus are at least 4" and greater and I've had them for years. Do you recommend treating the qt tank with "general cure" or prazi just to be safe even if they aren't showing any signs? I have two small guys in my qt tank now, I added water from my tank along with fresh water. I got them Saturday and they are finally eating this morning. I plan on leaving them in there for a while but again I'm trying to avoid problems. You guys are great, thank you!!