View Full Version : "male" eating eggs while being laid. No fert pass.

05-28-2012, 11:21 PM
I have two confirmed females in a tank with what I suspect is a male. They twitch when near "him" and try to get him near them at egg laying time.

He is a larger male. Approx 6 inches.

Female 1 has laid eggs 5 times and each time, he has never tried to fertilize them and eats them as they fall from the breeding tube.

Female 2, a smaller discus, laid eggs for the first time today and he also ate them immediately off the glass.

Do I keep trying with "him" or get another confirmed skilled male? What else would you suggest to help with success? Argh! I love these fish but one needs patience....


05-28-2012, 11:51 PM
I would let him keep trying I have had males get it right the first time and some take a while to figure it out. I had a male I gave up on after 15 spawns than the day I went to move him there were eggs on the cone and turned out to be one of the best males I ever had.