View Full Version : Proper care for growing out juvnile Discus.

06-17-2012, 03:11 AM
I know that is topic is not a new topic, but had a few doubts on what I have read and a bit confused so wanted some clarifications. So here they are. :)

1. What size tank is required for 6-7 juvies? Will a 25gal do?
2. What kind of food is required, how many times do they need feedings? Currently feeding them 4 times hikari beefheart mix pellets.
3. Does the size of the discus really matter, I mean is you have a 3" & 4" is it a problem? Mine are 4" to approx 2.5"
4. How do you know when a fish is stressed ? Is it only when it changes its colors, or can it be that they are stressed but still don't change colors or show any kind of stress bars?
5. What does flashing mean?
6. How do you know the difference between a fish being freaked out and being stressed or infected?
7. How much aggression in a tank is too much, and how do you know its too much.
8. How do you know whether a discus has eaten or not, I know its a silly question but I can't seem to find out, I know you can judge by there belly size or observe them while eating, but you can't wait everytime, I mean you sometime are on a run.
9. Sometimes I see my fishes going round in circles, just for a few seconds or so. I think its an ammonia spike, so I am just doing 30% WC twice a day. Can there be some other explaination to it?

10. How do know whether the fishes are growing properly or not, I mean at a normally rate they are supposed to?

11. What do you do when they are not growing at the rate they are supposed to?

Okay I think this is enough for know will keep posting another questions that I get in my head.
Thank you all in advance.. :)

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White Worm
06-17-2012, 11:47 PM
1. rule of thumb is 10g per fish. 25g is way too small to keep a group healthy. Space becomes even more important as they grow. 25g is usually used for a breeder pair to have fry.
2. All different foods and they eat all the time.
3. If you are asking is there a problem having different sizes together....I found that smaller ones didnt do as well if kept with larger ones.
4. Dark color, greyish, frayed fins, cloudy eyes, etc can be stress signs. There are many more. Usually, you can tell if something is not quite right.
5. They quickly rub themselves against any surface in the aquarium...usually something external irritating them.
6. Experience......time to visually evaluate.
7. Aggression is too much when one fish continually goes after others and causes damage.
8. food is missing, bulging belly or watching them during feeding.
9. could be many things, could be nothing. You need to make sure your tank parameters are good and hopefully you havent disturbed your bio and you are cycling again.
10. Hard to say, you can compare yours against pictures here of other discus of same age. check with sponsors to see how old and the size they should be. Different strains grow different and size depends on health, foods, etc.
11. Clean water, lots of good food.