View Full Version : bully discus

06-19-2012, 07:16 PM
Hello I've Had one discus for 2 months and he is fine. I got 2 more this past weekend and when I put them in tank I had other discus in it attacked them. Took it out and put in another tank. Now the one of the 2 new ones constantly chases the other one. Is there something I can do about this or a reason why? I really wanted them all to live together in harmony!

06-19-2012, 09:00 PM
They peck and fight to establish a pecking order. So when you added fish 2 & 3 into fish 1's tank he was letting them know that it was his/hers. When you took fish one out fish 2 & 3 are now trying to establish who's tank it is. Discus like groups of six or more and will spread the aggression throughout the group.

06-19-2012, 09:02 PM
They peck and fight to establish a pecking order. So when you added fish 2 & 3 into fish 1's tank he was letting them know that it was his/hers. When you took fish one out fish 2 & 3 are now trying to establish who's tank it is. Discus like groups of six or more and will spread the aggression throughout the group.
Brandons right on, short simple and sweet, keep bigger numbers, you will have a runt pretty much always with that few of discus put together.

06-20-2012, 06:20 AM

and always quarantine new fish before adding them to your existing tank.
when adding a new fish to an established group, re-scape your tank - imho that helps (moving things around).

06-20-2012, 07:24 AM
Thank you Brandon, dicusdrew and shoveltrash. I will rescape tank tonight and put all 3 back in. Any other suggestions would be welcomed.

06-20-2012, 11:24 PM
While your reshaping the tank, pull the problem discus out for about an hour while your doing that, then re introduce him to the others. I hope all the best, these simple changes will be beneficial but it won't stop it and honestly a different discus might step right up and become the bully... So long term it is imperative that you increase the number of discus