View Full Version : What kind of Chiclids can I get to go with my Discus

Sandy Clay
06-22-2012, 10:51 AM
I have seen some really pretty Peacock's. Would these work with my Discus?

06-22-2012, 11:08 AM
I'm assuming that you mean peacock cichlids, right? If so, they are African cichlids and can't be housed with discus, which are South American cichlids.

06-22-2012, 11:43 AM
Angle fish or rams will be fine with discus. The peacock in a seprate tank if u must have it.

Sandy Clay
06-22-2012, 12:28 PM
Yes Peacock Cichlid. No, I don't have one. I just seen them and they are quite stunning, was just checking to see if they would work with my Discus or not. I was just looking for something colorful. Could I ask why the two kinds of Cichlids won't work together? Temps maybe? Hardness of water? Just wondering. Thanks

06-22-2012, 12:32 PM
The peacock need colder water and harder water as well in order to thrive.

Here is a good link for you to follow. Hope this helps. Yes peacocks are just as colorful as discus.


Sandy Clay
06-22-2012, 01:05 PM
Thanks, that article was very interesting. I am leaning towards trying some. I just wonder how important that water hardness thing is. I have no idea how hard out water is...but, I know it is hard.

06-23-2012, 06:31 PM
Rams and Apistos are good tank mates for discus as well.

06-24-2012, 02:06 AM
The Neolamprol, Yellow Labidochromis, Mbunas are relatively non aggressive and are not problems. The problem is the water pH. Lake tanganyika is an alkaline lake, thus the rock formations for african cichlids. You will have to find a balance for both fish. I say around 6.7. But I would advise not to mix cichlids as to fish are opportunist. If you must, find fish that dwell at different levels to minimize territory competition.

Orange Crush
06-24-2012, 02:40 AM
Thanks, that article was very interesting. I am leaning towards trying some. I just wonder how important that water hardness thing is. I have no idea how hard out water is...but, I know it is hard.
I keep apistos with my discus and it works great because they require the same water perams.
Keeping fish that require different water perams is not a good idea because one of the species will be stressed, get sick and have a shorter life span.

06-24-2012, 03:30 PM
I've had a single Jurupari in both of my Discus tanks with zero problem. Buy them small and they'll be fine with the discus as the grow.

06-24-2012, 03:59 PM

06-24-2012, 06:21 PM
Uaru cichlids are a good fish to keep with discus. There are just as fussy. And need the same care as discus. They are about the same size as discus. They are very peaceful. But they'll eat all your plants if you have any. You get the same reputation keeping Uaru's as you do with discus. "Woo, You have those really cool fish."


06-26-2012, 12:09 PM
Rams, rams, rams, rams, electric blue rams, rams, rams, rams, rams.

Sandy Clay
06-26-2012, 01:46 PM
Thanks for all the info! And yeah, yeah, yeah to the spelling :bandana:

06-26-2012, 01:59 PM

Hey, that is Skipīs job LOL! :)

06-26-2012, 07:24 PM
I'm not sure how much I agree with the commentary about Ph or hardness. After all I keep my discus in parameters that are ideal for Africans but we constantly tell people with discus to worry about consistency not the actual Ph or hardness values (within reason) unless they are planning to breed. I would say concern yourself with the aggression and personalities of the fish, apistos and rams work great as stated. I've kept numerous tanks with Africans and south American cichlids, its about balance, I never ventured this with discus, and its a bad idea if your new to discus most likely. All i'm saying is that a huge amount of us keep our discus in water that is 8.0 or higher Ph and over 300 TDS.... By all conventional standards that is NOT south American compatible but almost perfect for Africans, so I wouldn't exclude all Africans based on the fact they like different water.... In fact in my scenario a docile African by all accounts should be a better option based on water conditions.. Though at this point in my fish keeping discus are about all you'll find in my fish room.... Which happily breed and grow in my hard alkaline water.

06-27-2012, 08:22 AM
Hey, that is Skipīs job LOL! :)

FINALLY! someone else knows how easy it is ;)

The Neolamprol, Yellow Labidochromis, Mbunas are relatively non aggressive and are not problems. The problem is the water pH. Lake tanganyika is an alkaline lake, thus the rock formations for african cichlids. You will have to find a balance for both fish. I say around 6.7. But I would advise not to mix cichlids as to fish are opportunist. If you must, find fish that dwell at different levels to minimize territory competition.

aren't africans cics... Vegetarians?!

Sandy Clay
06-27-2012, 11:05 AM
LOL I could use some spelling classes I'm sure! SO.....are you guys telling me that a Peacock would indeed work with my one lonely Discus???? Poor guy...he use to hide all the time after his buddy died...now he is coming out more! Starting to trust me again :) I would like to get up by Chicago and get another one, from Exotic Discus. I can't afford too many of them. Plus, I don't know if I can continue this many water changes. My old back is not good.:mad:

06-27-2012, 11:11 AM
I had peakcocks with discus before. They can survive many types of conditions. warm water, cold water. very adaptable fish. Very tough and smart fish, the problem with them they are almost too smart and fast compared to discus. So they will eat all the food, which then forces you to overfeed to compensate. Also, if you have many in there, their constant swimming around kinda bothers the discus I find. I took them out in the end. Rams are cool, I have some.

Sandy Clay
06-27-2012, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the info. I was thinking of just getting one though. Can't even find any around here...so, that will have to be on one of my shopping sprees....or....order online.

06-27-2012, 12:51 PM
Neolamprol; are you talking about the five bar cichlid? I read they are "Highly aggressive." I'm wondering because someone is tearing apart their cichlid tank in my neighbourhood, and I'm wondering if it's a bad idea to add two female five bar cichlids to my lonely discus tank....

06-27-2012, 01:57 PM
I was speaking in general about some commentary that was being made that honestly I didnt feel was true. When it comes to the peacock your interested in I personally would not recommend it, you could find one that works out and not have any problems, but the odds are low. Ive had plenty of peacock's and a vast majority of them have been pretty aggressive, at the end of the day your discus needs to either stay alone as the only discus, or you need to get about 5 more discus. Ideally I dont recommend keeping them single either but Im guessing I wont be able to convince you to get 5 more discus, so one is better than two. Find a better match than the peacock's in my opinion.

Orange Crush
06-27-2012, 07:13 PM
Well if you cannot keep up with the water changes then maybe you should give your lone discus away and then you can put whatever you want in that tank. :)

Sandy Clay
06-28-2012, 11:37 AM
Thanks guys...I am not ready to throw in my hat yet:D If the Peacock doesn't work out I can always put him in my other tank.

06-28-2012, 11:57 AM
I think it really depends how many you have. If you have a large school of africans with discus (like I did before), then they are just too quick on the food. If you just have a few, and feed well I am sure it will be fine. Africans are just the smartest damn fish I have ever come across. In a large tank, very hard to catch, and they can eat anything from veggies to dry food. Very adaptable fish. I have kept peacocks in tanks with no heater, or with discus in warm water. Nothing stops them. I eventually gave mine away as they were just breeding like crazy.

No big deal, end of the day, put them in another tank if you have one.

06-28-2012, 01:06 PM
It's just a personal preference for me but I don't keep any other fish with my discus. It keeps things simpler and reduces the chance of disease and aggression issues coming in from other fish types. I have two show tanks, one breeder and one quarantine tank. Discus are from Kenny, Hans and wilds from SNOOKN21. That's a significant investment that I'm not willing to risk.

Sandy Clay
06-28-2012, 02:58 PM
Oh, I totally understand not wanting to take chances with your investment;) I just have the one and I only paid $25 for him a few years ago. Got a few more but, none of them have ever lived more than about 6 months. I just don't have a good place to buy them around here.

I appreciate all the info on the Peacock's. I really like the way they look...don't have a place to get them either :angry:

Orange Crush
06-28-2012, 05:56 PM
Oh, I totally understand not wanting to take chances with your investment;) I just have the one and I only paid $25 for him a few years ago. Got a few more but, none of them have ever lived more than about 6 months. I just don't have a good place to buy them around here.

I appreciate all the info on the Peacock's. I really like the way they look...don't have a place to get them either :angry:
Try the sponsers on here for the fish you want. It does not matter if your area lacks local breeders or your LFS has poor quality fish because you can get the fish shipped. Try SNOOKN21 for cichlids, John sells both African and S.A. types.

06-29-2012, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the info. I was thinking of just getting one though. Can't even find any around here...so, that will have to be on one of my shopping sprees....or....order online.http://www.gcca.net/ u may find some in the classifieds on the gcca

06-30-2012, 12:10 AM
Oh, I totally understand not wanting to take chances with your investment;) I just have the one and I only paid $25 for him a few years ago. Got a few more but, none of them have ever lived more than about 6 months. I just don't have a good place to buy them around here.

I appreciate all the info on the Peacock's. I really like the way they look...don't have a place to get them either :angry:its not that none of them lived more than 6 months. it only took u 6 months to kill them and wanting to know about africans and discus tells me why.just trade ur lone discus in on some peacocks and call it a day.or slowly finish off the last 1 with bad tankmates.

06-30-2012, 06:31 AM
What kind of Chiclids can I get to go with my Discusmore Discus.

I just have the one and I only paid $25 for him a few years ago. Got a few more but, none of them have ever lived more than about 6 months. I just don't have a good place to buy them around here. just one Discus?.....buy more, from a sponsor here.

Sandy Clay
07-02-2012, 11:52 AM
CJR...I think you might be classified as a "Discus Snob". "I" do not believe for a second that "I" killed the fish. After further research on these fish, I have realized they were diseased when I got them. As I stated before, I do not have a local fish shop that sells them. I ordered a couple from my pet shop and they were thin and never did grow any after I got them. I treated them for worms etc...hoping to cure them. Now I realize there was an issue at "purchase" time. So, I do not believe your rudeness was necessary. I was simply trying to find out info before I proceeded.

07-02-2012, 12:35 PM
CJR...I think you might be classified as a "Discus Snob". "I" do not believe for a second that "I" killed the fish. After further research on these fish, I have realized they were diseased when I got them. As I stated before, I do not have a local fish shop that sells them. I ordered a couple from my pet shop and they were thin and never did grow any after I got them. I treated them for worms etc...hoping to cure them. Now I realize there was an issue at "purchase" time. So, I do not believe your rudeness was necessary. I was simply trying to find out info before I proceeded.
if i was a discus snob i would be telling u how ugly and stunted ur 1 lone discus probably is.i just dont like seeing discus in a bad way.mixing them with africans even the wimpy ones is not the best idea no matter how many tell u it will work or they have done it.u want me to be nice get rid of ur 1 discus or get alot more but dont go mixing with africans cics

Sandy Clay
07-02-2012, 01:07 PM
Well, the one I still have is "not" ugly and stunted. It is the only one that was "not" thin and sickly. I understand what you are trying to say, but, adding the rudeness with it is NOT necessary. I have been keeping fish since I was 20 and I am not 55, so, I do not appreciate the "your an idiot" attitude. Have a great day!

Orange Crush
07-02-2012, 08:00 PM
Well, the one I still have is "not" ugly and stunted. It is the only one that was "not" thin and sickly. I understand what you are trying to say, but, adding the rudeness with it is NOT necessary. I have been keeping fish since I was 20 and I am not 55, so, I do not appreciate the "your an idiot" attitude. Have a great day!
I find it best to just report post that are rude, mean, hateful, etc. rather than get into it with them. See the triangle on the bottom left of each post? click on it when you think it is called for.:)

07-02-2012, 08:25 PM
Thanks guys...I am not ready to throw in my hat yet:D If the Peacock doesn't work out I can always put him in my other tank.

I find it best to just report post that are rude, mean, hateful, etc. rather than get into it with them. See the triangle on the bottom left of each post? click on it when you think it is called for.:)
ok a bunch of people say no then he post this why ask if ur not gonna listen thats where my attitude comes from. u dont like it u report me.

Orange Crush
07-02-2012, 08:51 PM
I believe in educating people so they can make informed decisions but that does not mean people will follow it. It is best not to expect people to do what you think they should but instead hope that they will. When you tell info in a friendly manner they are more likely to listen to what you have to say. So, if you really want to be attatched to them doing it the way you think is best then say it nicely. If they do not listen and you cannot continue to help without having an attitude then move on.
Either way they have the facts and often times people come around eventually. They try it their way, they find it does not work and they know how it should have been done because you told them

Sandy Clay
07-03-2012, 09:20 AM
Haha thanks Orange! No I'm not going to report him (or her) but, I think the post was rude. Nevertheless I have my big girl panties on! :D

07-03-2012, 10:22 AM
dissenting opinions

Sandy Clay
07-03-2012, 03:47 PM
Yep you got it! Nothing here to see...keep moving! LOL

07-03-2012, 04:31 PM
This is a classic example of a person on simply who is a "Discus Snob" . You tarnish this site by your negative attitude. Instead of providing education, you criticize the question. Its people like you that destroy people's curiosity in learning how to properly care for discus; fearing that a question or picture will be branded as stupid. There are different levels of knowledge on this site. It is here to share and learn, not to dissuade others from being educated and enjoying the pleasure of caring for discus. For those of you on your high horse, please remember that there are some that look to gain knowledge. Try to be more friendly and helpful.

07-03-2012, 04:43 PM
This is a classic example of a person on simply who is a "Discus Snob" . You tarnish this site by your negative attitude. Instead of providing education, you criticize the question. Its people like you that destroy people's curiosity in learning how to properly care for discus; fearing that a question or picture will be branded as stupid. There are different levels of knowledge on this site. It is here to share and learn, not to dissuade others from being educated and enjoying the pleasure of caring for discus. For those of you on your high horse, please remember that there are some that look to gain knowledge. Try to be more friendly and helpful.

you are correct..


to your original question..


however, i google your original question.. 3 forums.. 3 threads..

read.. then do what you want..

Sandy Clay
07-06-2012, 12:40 PM
Well I got one, but, I put him in my other tank. Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it!

07-06-2012, 01:34 PM
Shouldn't a discus forum be at least somewhat populated by discus snobs? I know a lot of people that keep other things besides just discus...in seperate tanks. It's also been common knowledge for a looooong time that discus are best kept in schools.

I think it was a good call to put the peacock in a different tank. There is some overlap in water parameter ranges, but generally speaking tankmates for discus are better when they are smaller and/or less aggressive than the discus. I think your discus will be happier without the peacock and the peacock will feel the same.

07-06-2012, 01:52 PM
I have a couple of geo chiclits with my discus and they do just fine there's different types and a big plus they clean your sand check them out

07-06-2012, 04:40 PM
I have discus, flowerhorn, tiger oscar and snakehead in the same tank. They get along just fine.

07-07-2012, 12:36 AM
Well, the one I still have is "not" ugly and stunted. It is the only one that was "not" thin and sickly. I understand what you are trying to say, but, adding the rudeness with it is NOT necessary. I have been keeping fish since I was 20 and I am not 55, so, I do not appreciate the "your an idiot" attitude. Have a great day!

Well I got one, but, I put him in my other tank. Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it!
well b4 my rudeness u were going to ignore a bunch of people telling u no politely so maybe it wasnt a bad thing cause since then u have changed ur mind woo hoo lol was nothing personnel just like i said dont like to see discus in a bad way

This is a classic example of a person on simply who is a "Discus Snob" . You tarnish this site by your negative attitude. Instead of providing education, you criticize the question. Its people like you that destroy people's curiosity in learning how to properly care for discus; fearing that a question or picture will be branded as stupid. There are different levels of knowledge on this site. It is here to share and learn, not to dissuade others from being educated and enjoying the pleasure of caring for discus. For those of you on your high horse, please remember that there are some that look to gain knowledge. Try to be more friendly and helpful.
call me what u want but i say mission accomplished a little drama got this a little more attention and the op to look at the info instead of ignoring it.but since u have no info posted on this topic just whining at me does epic chicago discus endorse discus and african cics in the same tank or are u here just trying to sell more of ur stock in the buy/sale section http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?97391-Discus-FS-in-Chicago.
yea i know why there are no pics cause u dont want SD seeing that ur an actual company just to cheap to be a sponser im a snob but ur just shady

07-07-2012, 11:43 AM
I have discus, flowerhorn, tiger oscar and snakehead in the same tank. They get along just fine.I have mudskippers.

07-07-2012, 11:52 AM
I have a breeding pr of guianacara, a Treo of mesonautus, several apisto, and a geo group with 7 to 10 3" discus. It is a 120 that I use to get young fish grown out and pr'ed up. No aggression and I do 2 50% water changes a week. Caution on the mesaunautus they can be pugnatius!

07-07-2012, 12:41 PM

just let it go.. LOL..

sponsors need business :)

07-07-2012, 01:42 PM
I have mudskippers.

I have a green terror, msobo mbuna, hermit crabs and a just weaned kitten with mine..and they are all fine. Wut wut!

07-07-2012, 01:45 PM
Jen I bet that kitten has taken a while to adjust to the water temps!

07-07-2012, 01:47 PM
Op, glad to see it went in its own tank. FYI in my experience with africans, the only thing that goes with them is more africans and maybe a pleco but dont know if id try that even. They are aggressive, they are algae grazers and can suffer from malawi bloat and die if they eat carnivorous foods, esp high protein discus foods. They are generally very active in addition to the fighting.

07-07-2012, 01:48 PM
Jen I bet that kitten has taken a while to adjust to the water temps!

Yeah, and it hasn't developed a palate fot beefheart just yet :p

07-07-2012, 03:01 PM
and a just weaned kitten with mine.How long to get off bbs?

07-07-2012, 04:03 PM
I have a green terror, msobo mbuna, hermit crabs and a just weaned kitten with mine..and they are all fine. Wut wut!
Here kitty kitty kitty

07-07-2012, 04:19 PM
How long to get off bbs?

Just put the mom in with them :-)

Sandy Clay
07-09-2012, 01:25 PM
Hahaha I sure wasn't trying to start trouble with this post!! Just wanted to know....anyway....I have since returned the little Peacock. I put him in my other tank, and he had everyone corralled in one corner! Ornery little bugger!! Sure was pretty though. I think one day I may get just an African tank. :p