View Full Version : Tell Me What I Don't Know

06-29-2012, 09:11 PM
I am in the early stages of Discus ownership. Currently I have 7 3"-4" juvies eating and pooping like pigs in a 50 gallon tank. I'm going to buy a new 120 gallon tank (48"x24"x24") to be a show tank for these guys when they get bigger. The bottom line is I need to get started now and I've been reading a ton and learning all I can.

This is what I plan to do:
1. 120 gallon tank w/stand and canopy
2. 40 gallon sump with one 30 ppi 4" Poret foam and one 10 ppi 4" foam with a couple of Hydro Sponges in between.
3. Mag 9.5 return pump.
4. Two 300 watt heaters with an external controller in the sump.

The tank will be lightly planted with some Manzanita wood and a pool sand substrate.

What am I missing? I want everything to be perfect when I move these guys into their permanent housing.

Second Hand Pat
06-29-2012, 10:08 PM
Start without the plants and get comfortable with the discus. Add the plants later if you feel the need.

06-29-2012, 10:25 PM
I keep fast growing plants in my sump, that maybe an option, unless you want to show the plants, personally I had a very heavy stocked planted tank and it was a pain to clean and maintain.

As for the rest of your setup it sounds good

06-30-2012, 05:48 PM
I keep fast growing plants in my sump, that maybe an option, unless you want to show the plants, personally I had a very heavy stocked planted tank and it was a pain to clean and maintain.

As for the rest of your setup it sounds good

So you have plants in the sump? I've seen that in my research, what is the benefit of it? I like a little greenery in my tank, it seems so much more natural, but I have learned how much these guys poop. A heavily planted tank and Discus don't seem to go well together.

06-30-2012, 09:23 PM
Rooted plants makes it hard to clean around them, the ones in my sump are floating and are basically another filtration

Sent from my M9300 using Tapatalk 2

07-01-2012, 06:14 PM
Rooted plants makes it hard to clean around them, the ones in my sump are floating and are basically another filtration

Sent from my M9300 using Tapatalk 2

What type of plant(s) do you have in your sump? What do you do for lighting? Do you leave it on all the time?

Sorry for all of the questions, I'm trying to learn all I can.

07-01-2012, 08:03 PM
Water sprite, normal t8 for a bulb for plants, I leave the light on at night creating extra o2 at night

07-02-2012, 05:58 PM
I agree get comfortable w/ your discus 1st. You may want 2 stay away from sand. Nothing wrong w/ it & it looks great (I really do like the look) but cleaning it is an issue. Using a siphon will only suck up the sand. Plus discus startle easily & can just stir up the sand that way plus tank mates (if any) can move it around as well. If you decide to go w/ a planted & discus display tank (rooted plants) - u will need some type of "fertilizer" in your substrate. There are many brands 2 choose from. I use "Caribbean Sea Ecocomplete" - than I have stones over that. But moving stuff around, rescaping, etc. Now, the ecocomplete is starting to be more on top. Dark substrates can cause some strains of Discus to "pepper or peppering".

Here take a look: http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?83576-120-Gallon-Getting-started

Hope this helps. You will get a ton of ideas on here & advice. But your fish are the most expensive part of the hobby. Make sure you r fully comfortably w/ them 1st. Losing plants $5 maybe $10 here & there. no big deal but start losing Discus. WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. Been there done it. It sucks!