View Full Version : Advise please.....

06-30-2012, 09:51 AM
After a 10 hour power failure, I realize that I need to be prepared for a more severe power out, as far as my aquarium heaters and air pumps are concerned. As an experienced fish keeper, how do you handle this type of emergency?? Can you recommend a small generator, or offer advise????

06-30-2012, 02:11 PM
Type "generator" in the search box.....lots of threads

06-30-2012, 09:57 PM
:bandana: Living in a 14th floor apartment in the city, I'm at somewhat of a disadvantage when emergencies pop up. Gas driven generators present a saftey hazard. The average battery backup will do you maybe 3 or 4 hrs. but this 'beast' has saved my bacon at least 10 times over the past five years. Xantrex 852-1802 XPower 1800 Power Source approx $500 now (it was a lot cheaper when I got it) but well worth the investment. I've survived several 10hr + pwr failures without a hitch. Cuts on when the pwr goes off & returns to standby/recharge when pwr returns. Although not as powerful as some generators it is an excellent alternative for small wattages. You can figure what you need to run based on your setup. "T"

07-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Wow...500.00 for 10 hours????? Is there any alternative, or action that I can take when this happens???

07-01-2012, 09:42 AM
Wow...500.00 for 10 hours????? Is there any alternative, or action that I can take when this happens???

It's all relative....what if you had $1200 worth of Discus in your tank??

07-01-2012, 09:52 AM
:bandana: Well not sure what your setup is. I had one 19 hr event & 3 or 4 15/16 hr failures. The lesser ones I won't even bother to count. It's saved me when I could not get home cause it kicks in auto when grid pwr stops. If you've got an open air situation, you'll possibly wanna get a small generator & a healthy supply of gasoline. http://www.electricgeneratorsdirect.com/quick_search.php . But if not http://www.amazon.com/Xantrex-852-1802-XPower-Power-Source/dp/B000K9BC30/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1341106718&sr=1-1&keywords=xantrex+1800 is worth looking into. "T"

07-01-2012, 12:05 PM
Since I would be at home during a power failure, do you think a gas powered generator in the 100.00 to 200.00 range would get me through a 2 day power out, as long as I have access to gasoline? How many watts should I get? My tank is 60 gallons with 5

07-01-2012, 11:05 PM
Since I would be at home during a power failure, do you think a gas powered generator in the 100.00 to 200.00 range would get me through a 2 day power out, as long as I have access to gasoline? How many watts should I get? My tank is 60 gallons with 5

:bandana: You never know about service interuptions. Sometimes your on the spot, other times (like me) you're 1100 miles away trying desperately to get home. As for what u should get??? You're better off spending a bit more & getting something durable, dependable & efficient. Figure a minimum of 1200/1400w. Now here's where it gets tricky. Most folks don't store mega supplies of gasoline around the house. At best you'll have maybe 5g in a container. Most small generators have small gas tanks, 1 or 2g. At 1/2 load you're good for say 6hrs till m/t. Max load say 2.5/3hrs. That 5g container of gas can get used up real quick. Your load is lite so you should be good for a day & a half or so before you gotta get gas. ( + or - depending on efficiency & actual draw) "T"

07-02-2012, 04:38 AM
I appreciate that information....I had no idea what to look for as far as wattage. I'm surprised that no one talks about that here. I wonder if the majority of discus keepers have generators, and if not, what they do in power failures. (the way the weather is lately, and if you trust in what the bible says, we can expect worsening weather conditions as the end times get closer.........thanks again.....

07-02-2012, 11:43 AM
:bandana: Well I'm not overly religious but if the 'end times get closer', there'll be much more to be concerned with besides these darn fish. As to the other, lots of folks have contingency plans. Some have generators, battery powered airation, thick blankets to slow heat loss (winter), battery pwr packs & inverters ect. Old boy scout motto 'be prepared'! Not just for your tank but for yourself & family. "T"

07-03-2012, 04:51 AM
Wow...I'm not familiar with any of those things!!!!I didn't know that battery powered situation existed!!!! I still think a generator makes the most sense for me..... And yes, discus won't be a consideration at 'the end'...but realize that this will be sometime in the next 75 years or so. We don't have a date, however, all of the signs that are predicted in the bible, are happening now...examples being....Israel becoming a sovereign nation in the 1940s, after thousands of years dispersed!!! Another example....the financial situation in the world collapsing (all predicted in the bible) and the weather conditions...also spoken of, the sinful condition of the people is out of control (have you seen the news lately)...there's more...read your bible!!
"' People get ready....there's a train a'commin"

07-03-2012, 06:14 PM
I'd love a generator but the time isn't right. I have a 1250 (I think) watt inverter that I hook up to my car. I can keep air going throughout the fishroom, lights upstairs and in the basement, and a few heaters on the inverter. I idled the car for two days straight after the October nor'easter. lol I have a wood stove in the basement that overlooks the fishroom and so when the power is out, I really crank up the stove.

07-03-2012, 09:57 PM
That's something I've actually never considered until I read this post. I should look into that. I'm a Southern Californian so I'm no stranger to blackouts. Think I'll look into some electric generators and a portable solar panel type contraption. That way even if there is an end of days(doubtful), I won't have to be fighting people at the gas pump for more gasoline! haha. But seriously, a solor panel would take the worry about out of having to store gas, especially for apartment dwellers.