View Full Version : How does this setup sound?

06-30-2012, 03:21 PM
I feel kinda stupid every time I come on here, because everyone shoots down my ideas :/ hopefully I have it right this time!

Here is what I ultimately want:
-5 Discus (I already have these)
-1 Apistogramma Borelli (and this)
-1 Blue Ram (and this)
-1 Keyhole Cichlid
-25 Rummynose Tetras
-10 Julii Cories

The tank is 75 gallons, heavily planted with some nice driftwood caves. Sandy substrate. I do not think all these little fish+the discus will overstock the tank, but I could be wrong :P Thats why I am asking on here :)

Try not to be too mean in your response, if my question is stupid, but thanks for reading this!

06-30-2012, 03:27 PM
I won't be mean :)

What determines your stocking level is not only the size of the tank, but also your feedind regimen (what, how many times, etc) and your water regimen (WC, filtration, etc.).

Please share with us a little more information so we can all give you a more educated answer.


06-30-2012, 03:41 PM
I won't be mean :)

What determines your stocking level is not only the size of the tank, but also your feedind regimen (what, how many times, etc) and your water regimen (WC, filtration, etc.).

Please share with us a little more information so we can all give you a more educated answer.


Oh! They are fed 4 times a day of some nice veggie flakes, and occaisonally given beefheart or bloodworms!

They have an FX5 filter, and honestly my plants suck up any fish waste it seems! no amonnia or anything else bad! It's a good system so far for me :) I change water about 50% 2x weekly

06-30-2012, 04:05 PM
How often do you clean that filter? Do you vacuum the uneaten food out of the tank if not consumed?

Based on your first response, I would say that your tank will be over stocked with what you propose, remember that the "filter" is not removing anything from your water collum, it's just hiding it in there, under your tank waiting to cause you problems. Your fish will produce a lot more waste than that monster can break down in a same period of time.

A heavely planted tank is no substitute for water changes, don't think that your plants will give you more leaway when it comes to husbandry, they won't, it's just more de-composing bio-mass to stress your filter.

My recomendation, based on nothing more than what I read so far, and just my personal oppinion, is that if you want to keep that many fish in a 75 gallon tank, is to increase your water change regimen and make sure that you clean that big boy filter of yours very frequently, like once every two weeks or so to make sure you don't have a disaster waiting to happen under your tank.

Assuming your discus are adults or at least older juvies, I would stop the beefheart altogheter since it will only make matters more difficult for you. If you have juvie discus, then I would not recomend you keep them in this set-up to begin with. This is a display tank, and not a discus growing tank so stick with clean foods in smaller quantities and make sure there is not a lot of waste left after feeding.

Make sure you vaccum your tank bottom with the water changes, and clean that filter! :)


06-30-2012, 04:16 PM
How often do you clean that filter? Do you vacuum the uneaten food out of the tank if not consumed?

Based on your first response, I would say that your tank will be over stocked with what you propose, remember that the "filter" is not removing anything from your water collum, it's just hiding it in there, under your tank waiting to cause you problems. Your fish will produce a lot more waste than that monster can break down in a same period of time.

A heavely planted tank is no substitute for water changes, don't think that your plants will give you more leaway when it comes to husbandry, they won't, it's just more de-composing bio-mass to stress your filter.

My recomendation, based on nothing more than what I read so far, and just my personal oppinion, is that if you want to keep that many fish in a 75 gallon tank, is to increase your water change regimen and make sure that you clean that big boy filter of yours very frequently, like once every two weeks or so to make sure you don't have a disaster waiting to happen under your tank.

Assuming your discus are adults or at least older juvies, I would stop the beefheart altogheter since it will only make matters more difficult for you. If you have juvie discus, then I would not recomend you keep them in this set-up to begin with. This is a display tank, and not a discus growing tank so stick with clean foods in smaller quantities and make sure there is not a lot of waste left after feeding.

Make sure you vaccum your tank bottom with the water changes, and clean that filter! :)


The filter I actually have to clean sorta often! I have to rinse out all the media in that thing :P but suprisingly, not really many plants get sucked up there! When I trim the plants, most of the pieces get scooped up by me, but I understand what you are saying.

I know that many plants will not substitute water changes! WC are the best medicine! :) And honestly, I do not siphon out the excess food. I have many stray snails that clean it up in no time! I know that I probably should start though!

How much more do you think I should increase my water changes?

The Discus hit about 4", so I think this is my last batch of beefheart. They seem to be growing just fine on high protein flake food.

06-30-2012, 04:25 PM
OK, I would try to add at least one more wc to your regimen. 75gal is a quick WC so don't skimp on it.

Now for my zen moment/advice...

Do the things you say you do don't just type them here for approval, it's much easier and more rewarding to maintain a healthy tank, than to try do heal sick fish. A lot of people will come on a forum and SAY they will keep up with WC, etc, if more people DID IT, then less people would need help with sick fish.

Best of luck to you!


06-30-2012, 04:31 PM
OK, I would try to add at least one more wc to your regimen. 75gal is a quick WC so don't skimp on it.

Now for my zen moment/advice...

Do the things you say you do don't just type them here for approval, it's much easier and more rewarding to maintain a healthy tank, than to try do heal sick fish. A lot of people will come on a forum and SAY they will keep up with WC, etc, if more people DID IT, then less people would need help with sick fish.

Best of luck to you!


Ah, that sounds good to me! not hard at all :)

But thank you for the advice! I have just started to realize that since I started Discus