View Full Version : Discus laid eggs for the first time ,how to help them to hatch

07-06-2012, 11:09 AM
they are in community 100 gall but i have divider .i wish to hatch the eggs .so any special food for the parents in this time ,how will i know whether eggs got fungus & will not hatch & if they hatch should i move the parents & baby to my 20 gall or should i keep them in the community tank .what would be temp ,lighting for this period of time,is there any way reduce the hardness of water with home made chemical .any help will be appreciated .thx .

07-06-2012, 11:13 AM
is your water hard?

07-06-2012, 11:28 AM
last i checked its hard but after that i have added a driftwood .so i don't know the present hardness of the water

07-06-2012, 11:31 AM
its too late to do anything for this batch of eggs..

eggs should hatch in 48 hours.. you can't go missing with water chemistry in community tank

you need tank for just the PAIR>> it will be easier to control conditions..

ps.. they will have more.. so you have time to get things sorted

07-06-2012, 11:59 AM
What Skip said.And in the time you take to set up a seperate tank,you can read up on here on breeding discus.What are the pair?

07-06-2012, 12:26 PM

How do you think their baby will look like if i do successful breeding though i have plan of buying a breeding panda pair if i succeed with them

red one is the father & the orange one the mother .also i would like to know if i could break a pair & introduce another male to the female .thx

07-07-2012, 12:40 PM
It took my pair about 6 spawning ( about 12 weeks?) to finally act like good parents. Results will vary.
No hurry to move them like others have said. Set up a 20 or 30 gal and make sure it's FULLY cycled.
Nitrites did me in. You can get very frustrated by hurrying the process. And if you have a pair, don't
introduce a 3rd fish. Savor your first couple spawns and baby growing before experimenting.
Oh---how hard is your water? If the eggs turn into wigglers, your water is probably fine.
If not, perhaps the male is trying, but shooting blanks---or your water current blew the sperm
off the eggs. And keep up those daily water changes. I do about 25% water change per day.
With water that is aged about 24 hours to reduce saturated oxygen.

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