View Full Version : Fluval 305 filter media?????

07-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Ok just got my Fluval 305 filter and was winding what media should I use. I do not plan on using charcoal at all. So any help would be great. Oh I did see Fluval has some peat moss media would you guys use some of that?

07-07-2012, 08:49 PM
i got a 305 myself. i just have the bio in there for the bacticia. i did the peak moss but is not as good as drift wood. tell you the truth not doing much...so save some money...just KISS keep it simple stupid.
once in a while i use the polish pad .... you can add the pre filter balls in there for the big stuff........beef heart if you are going to feed your fish that.
hope this help

Orange Crush
07-08-2012, 04:02 AM
I have a 405 and all I have in there is foam and some biomax. I would not use peat moss because it will make the pH lower and soften the water - sounds good so far right?. BUT discus want consistancy more than than anything with their water and when you put new water in the tank it will not have been "treated" with the peat moss. So, the pH and hardness of the new water being added will be different than the tank water every time you do a water change and that will be stressful on the discus. Possibly make them sick of kill them if the difference is enough.
Be sure and have a prefilter/cover on your intake tube so food/poop does not get into your filter.

07-08-2012, 07:30 AM
Ok thanks all sounds good