View Full Version : Discus with other fish

07-08-2012, 10:49 AM
Hi, First post, I have a 45 gallon bowfront tank, it has eight harliquin rasboras and a pleco. I went to the fish store and asked the fishkeeper what kind of larger fish I could put in the tank to keep my harliquins in a school better. He told me an angel or a discus. I had always heard that they were hard to keep, but I have been successful with my tank for three years so I think I can handle it. My main ordeal with it is I have to leave every seven days for work. When I come home I first have to check out my tank for any problems and do water changes and such while I am at home.

I am more than willing to modify my setup for discus since I plan on a better filter setup instead of a HOB. I want to swap to a canister setup with at least two canisters or pumps for protection from pump failure. So far the tank has timed lighting and feeding.

So my two questions are, would the seven day thing be a total impossible nightmare? Will the discus and other fish work out together? I am willing to give away two rasboras if that would allow two discus, but can stick with one if thats the better route.

I normally research these things but figured I could ask these two simple questions without wasting time, so I am not looking for an indepth answer, just a "Go For it DUDE!"


BTW the tank is artificial planted for now, and the pleco seems to be stunted at five inches and hides all day, which is fine by me.

07-08-2012, 11:10 AM
So as not to waste your time, no.

07-08-2012, 11:22 AM
No as in the seven day thing or any of the other things involved? I wasnt trying to be ugly. I dont understand if you mean no dont do it or no you wont have a problem.

07-08-2012, 11:25 AM
I mean no don't do it. If you need more information please do some research on this forum re: discus fish in the newbie section. You said you weren't looking for an in depth explanation.

07-08-2012, 11:50 AM
Quick answer,tank is too small for school of discus,let alone other fish.

07-08-2012, 01:14 PM
Your tank is pretty small for discus and you being gone like that is setting yourself up for failure. Save yourself some heartache and expense. Go with a different fish.

Orange Crush
07-08-2012, 01:40 PM
Discus (and angels) are cichlids and are aggressive towards each other. They are also schooling fish. They need to be in schools of at least 5-6 to spread the aggression so one does not get picked on to death. One will be very lonely, stressed and as a result probably get sick and die. Discus need at least 10 gallons of water each so you are looking at needing a tank that is at least 50 gallons for the discus without any other fish, plants or substrate in there. Also, it is bad news usually for newbies to raise discus in anything other than a bare tank - too hard to keep clean enough for the discus to be healthy.
The LFS guy just wants to sell you fish, if he cared at all it would not have recommmended these fish in your set up (or maybe he just don't know s**t).
A longer response then what you wanted but I thought you should know why discus will not work for you.

Short answer: do not get discus.

07-08-2012, 04:19 PM
ok, yhank you for the help.

07-08-2012, 08:27 PM
well hold up people... you're not helping him think outside the box. totally agree with all of your responses but you're not giving him/her any ideas. he/she sounds smart enough and the more people interested in discus then the better for US!!!!!!!!!!! there are such thing as automatic feeders and water changers. if that can be accomplished then a 45 can house 4-5 discus that will probably end up stunted at 4 to 4.5 inches but HAPPY so long as... again... automatic water changes and food. if you could get them on as nutritious as possible dry food (eating, not spitting out) then you'll be good to go. However, if you can't do those two things then like everyone else has posted... don't do it bud. I like to think outside the box though and break rules. I have a planted community tank that has a pair (stunted pair) that raises it's fry in a community tank. Not only will you not find much of that on this site but I've only seen one youtube dude do the same thing (he had fully grown discus though... totally out did me on that one). IF you can keep happy discus then go for it

07-08-2012, 08:46 PM
If it were ME I would go with an angelfish. Do fine alone, great tank size, and are much more forgiving than discus. Buy an older one to up your chance of success.

07-08-2012, 09:32 PM
If it were ME I would go with an angelfish. Do fine alone, great tank size, and are much more forgiving than discus. Buy an older one to up your chance of success.

Ditto! I agree that Angelfish would be a better choice. Their temperature requirements are closer to what you already have, as well. Good Luck!

07-10-2012, 09:16 PM
:bandana: As to discus & a 7 day layover w/ other fish in a 45g, I gotta vote DON'T!!! "Go For it DUDE!" JMPO, "T"