View Full Version : Finally got some new Discus

Sandy Clay
07-12-2012, 10:08 AM
I had the one lone Discus and finally got some new ones. I have 4 that are around 2-3 inches. Got them Saturday...Well....now I have problems. I did a 50% water change before I added them. I noticed a small spot on the tail of one, then I noticed a couple were flashing....The temp is 83 and I added about 4 tsp of aquarium salt. The spots have increased in size on 2 of them...looks like fungus. I have been doing daily water changes of about 30% and adding the salt back that I take out. I have since added a fungus treatment. Says treat for 48 hours then repeat. I need to retreat tonight...was wondering if I should do a water change before retreating? I do not believe there was any problems with my water, since my lone Discus was doing awesome! The two with spots turn very dark sometimes...when I feed them they lighten up and eat like pigs (all of them). Sorry, forgot to add...I noticed one had stringy poo, so, I started treating their food with Metro (then the next day the poo was dark) may have jumped the gun on that one.

I know I have a lot going on here, just would like to know about the water change. I am at work so, can't fill out the questionaire. I can check things tonight.

Oh, I got the fish from a Discus guy about 2 hours away. His Discus all looked awesome, so, I don't think he had a problem. Maybe the long ride home, my water being different, etc...caused the problems. I have a 30 gallon aquarium.

07-12-2012, 10:28 AM
I am assuming your tank is fully cycled? Water all good? Perhaps raise the temp slightly to 85 or so. I have experienced even a slight increase in temp can really change a discus mood.

Maybe try some Furan 2/kanaplex med, which is effective for bacteria and is broad based. Salt is fine, but does not really does anything if you got bacteria/fungus already spreading. You want to nip in the bud before it gets worse. Usually those meds say do a WC after 48 hours, and then do another treatment. You should get a med with Metro and Prazi if you want to cover the parasite issue. API general cure has both.

When fish are sick/ or you are med, cut down on the feeding. If you do that, and clean poo, you can do less WC ( no point doing WC every day when you are med since your just wasting meds), which puts less stress on the fish. Make sure the new water is near the current water in temp. If they look stressed when you walk by, sometime good to cover the tank with a cloth. Let them relax as they fight the bug.

Since they are new, maybe they just need time as well. Be patient, sometime less is more.

07-12-2012, 11:30 AM
a good reason to quarantine new fish before adding them to an established tank. firstoff to get adjusted to a move (settle in), and to acclimate to your water parameters. secondly, to make sure that they are healthy and won't transfer something to your existing tank.

I'm sure others will chime in, once you've filled out the disease questionnaire.

Sandy Clay
07-12-2012, 01:17 PM
Yes the aquarium has been set up for several years. I am treating with a Fungus treatment...don't remember the name. As far as them looking stressed...they come right to the front to be fed when I get home. So, they do not appear to be stressed in any way.
Yep I know about he quarantine...just didn't have another tank, and these looked "very" healthy.


I am going to do a water change tonight for sure and then treat again.

Are you guys saying it is ok to treat for parasites at the same time? I have some PraziPro at home also.

Sandy Clay
07-13-2012, 12:03 PM
Well, my husband is playing in a golf tournament this weekend, so, when I got home, it was a quick water change retreated tank with fungus remover, fed them, then off to the golf course. Sorry, I did not get my water parameters for you guys.
The good news, is the fungus does not seem as prominent. The 2 that had it, have ragged tail fins now, but, the fungus is not as present. 1 has a slightly clamped fin. Raised the temps a little and added a little more salt that I took out. They are very active and eating great!
I think after this treatment, I am just going to continue the water changes and see where this goes. I am hoping I am out of the woods :(