View Full Version : Question reguarding the addition of Discus to the aquarium

07-14-2012, 01:43 AM
Hello all I have a 90 gallon planted tank that has been set up for about six months. I currently have 20 Cardinal Tetras, 3 German Blue Rams, 2 Sterbai Cory Cats, 2 Julii Cory Cats, 2 Bamboo Shrimp, and 8 Oto Cats. My tank is very stable at this point and I am curious on how to go about adding my discus. I would like to add them two by two to the cumulative number of 6 or 8. I will acquire them at the size of 2 inches or so. Would this be okay or should I wait and purchase them all at once? If I can purchase them two at a time what time frame should I space out for each new addition? Thank you, Noodles

07-14-2012, 02:46 AM
Best bet would to be buy them all at once from one source. Only one QT'ing to do so no risk of losing prior fish with new purchases. Also would be best to grow them out in a BB tank until they are around 4 inches or bigger before adding them to the planted tank. The fact they are so messy being fed 6x a day while growing, and like to be in groups are big ones for the pros of this way among alot of others. Hope this helps you out some.

07-14-2012, 12:03 PM
Best bet would to be buy them all at once from one source. Only one QT'ing to do so no risk of losing prior fish with new purchases. Also would be best to grow them out in a BB tank until they are around 4 inches or bigger before adding them to the planted tank. The fact they are so messy being fed 6x a day while growing, and like to be in groups are big ones for the pros of this way among alot of others. Hope this helps you out some.

Agree. Don't try to grow out small 2" juvies in a planted tank with other tankmates - you'd just be inviting problems and disappointment.
Suggest you consider getting about 6 specimens all at once, from the same source, of a minimum size of 4", and QT them properly first.

When the discus are introduced to your main tank, keep a close eye on the Otos - some MAY take a liking to discus' slime coats as part of their diet.

07-14-2012, 07:51 PM
One would not have to worry about overloading the bio-filtration by adding so much at once?

07-14-2012, 08:17 PM
You may experience a mini-cycle when you add 6 or more 4" discus to your tank, but it's easy to handle it since you'll be doing a large daily water change anyways. Just be sure to check for ammonia and nitrites each day, and if you really need to, do an extra (second) small water change till the filters catch up.

I'm with the rest of the guys in recommending that you not try to grow out discus in your planted tank. It might work, but most of the time you end up in the disease/illness section of the forum asking for help, or you end up with stunted discus. They require a LOT of feedings per day and a HUGE water change every day.

If you start out with 4" discus (sub-adults), you'll stand a much better chance of getting good growth in the planted tank. Though, if it was me, I'd still QT them in a barebottom or light sand substrate tank for 3 months before adding them to the 90gallon. It serves the purpose of QT and also gives them a chance to add another inch to their size.