View Full Version : prime or carbon during my vacation

07-15-2012, 09:31 PM
I am leaving for 2 weeks and will have someone feeding (once every other day) my Discus, and I will have a continuous water flow (about a gallon and hour, the tank has an overflow) of fresh water that runs through a GE whole house filter before getting into the 150gal thank with 9 Discus of various sizes and a few Cichlids.

I have the ability to dose prime at whatever rate i need.

The thank has 2 EHEIM professionel 3 2180 external filter, one UV light that runs 12 hour a day, a reactor where I use 2 L of Seachem Purigen and carbon, plus 2 air pumps.

the tank is well established, and has plants.

will they be OK?

My idea is to prime half dose of Prime a day, and leave the reactor with carbon and Seachem’s Purigen running all the time.

Any ideas and recommendations would GREALTY appreciated.

07-15-2012, 09:54 PM
Unless u have baby discus in there I wouldnt do anything at all.If they are healthy and normal weight as they are supposed to be then there is no problem at all.Just let the filters run put a timer on the lights for the plants and leave for vacation.They wont die with 2 weeks starving.I have seens people letting them starve for like a month or so and they found them nice and healthy after they got back.IMO no need to get anxious over this.Just do a large water change before u leave and stop feeding for 2 weeks.Unless u got any aggressive cichlids in there that they maybe hunt down discus when they starve nothing bad will happen.Of course u can leave the reactors running if that makes u feel more safe but 2 weeks w/o water change and food isnt that long time.Besides if u dont feed there will be no that much of water pollution so everything will run smoothly.

07-15-2012, 10:10 PM
i have an automatic feeder with tetra bits to take care of the Cichlids.