View Full Version : Set up question ect.

07-18-2012, 06:00 AM
So I have been on here a couple of months doing alot of research. My tank is about 115 gallon I have 2 aquaclear 110. I want to get 10 discus 3-4inch I'm not sure what size yet as there expensive haha. Also 8 corydoras. I can feed 6 times a day and do a huge water change daily 90%. Plus mini water changes after feeding. would that be ok? It be a barebottom. Also with prefilter or sponge filter can I put on a aquaclear and how? Or would I be good just with them alone should I get another aquaclear? Anything else you would recommend? Thanks:) one more question should I get more discus if there 3inch as 115 gallon is huge or would I be ok with just 10? As I don't have a smaller tank or have room for another.

07-18-2012, 07:37 AM
if your doing 90 % water changes daily the filter situation is less of a issue. water changes are the most important but with a tank like that for grow out thats a lot of "wasted". most raise in smaller tanks for that reason. sounds like your serious about water changes so i cant see you failing in that reguard. sounds like with 2 110 ac that would be plenty. i pack my ac 70 with double sponges and a big bag of bio media as well and turn down the flow. works great and just rinse under tank water every week as i drain during my daily change. i also like my 2217. have fun with it.

07-18-2012, 09:34 AM
All I can say is definitely do not get another AQ.

07-18-2012, 09:40 AM
In my opinion it is too big a tank for grow outs.

Prefilters on ac110 intake will be a great help to keep out alsort of gunk getting in to the filter. I rinse my prefilters everyday. You might need a bit more air in your tank so I will suggest to add a sponge filter, they are inexpensive and very effective. You might want to consider one ac 110 and sponge filters (two stacked).

07-18-2012, 09:56 AM
You might want to consider one ac 110 and sponge filters (two stacked). +1

07-18-2012, 12:30 PM
Poco, Swanicic says he wants to get 10 three to four inch discus. I do not know the answer but do you think a 115g is too big for them? If they were say 1-1.5 inch sure it may be too big of a tank, but 3-4 inch fish?

07-18-2012, 12:43 PM
Poco, Swanicic says he wants to get 10 three to four inch discus. I do not know the answer but do you think a 115g is too big for them? If they were say 1-1.5 inch sure it may be too big of a tank, but 3-4 inch fish?

Thanks for pointing it out. If you re-read it he is saying "I want to get 10 discus 3-4inch I'm not sure what size yet as there expensive haha." so it is more likely he is going to get smaller ones.10 4inch fish will do really well in 115g.

07-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the help:) I will be doing two ac plus prefilters.

07-18-2012, 11:54 PM
In my opinion it is too big a tank for grow outs.

You might want to consider one ac 110 and sponge filters (two stacked).

As jimg said - +1

This is the setup I use on my 115 and it works flawlessly.

07-19-2012, 12:46 AM
What's two stacked? I might try that but I know nothing about sponge Filters.

07-19-2012, 04:16 AM
The hydro sponge filters come with a base and connector/extender, the filter portion and then a top piece where the airline tubing connects. Normally you'd just snap the top piece onto the sponge filter part, add the airline tubing to the nipple and be good to go. But you can also remove the weighted base of a 2nd filter and snap it's connector/extender onto the top piece of the 1st sponge filter in order to to stack them.

If you do stack them, be sure to run the air line tubing through the first sponge filter and then connect it to the top piece of the lower filter.

07-19-2012, 08:45 AM
Thanks Poco, I did not know about this one. It seemed good to me but I just wanted a more experienced persons answer.

07-19-2012, 08:48 AM
Dear Toni, I also never heard of stacking sponge filters. I assumed if you wanted more sponge filters just add more. Are two stacked filters as good as two seperate filters or is there no significant difference?

07-19-2012, 10:06 AM
So long as you're using an appropriately sized air pump, stacking makes no significant difference as far as the amount of filtration you get as well as the aeration for the tank. I use a diffuser on mine in order to make finer bubbles.

07-19-2012, 11:14 AM
Thanks Toni.

07-19-2012, 08:48 PM
I have another question about the tank size if I get them at 3inch and put them in a 115 gallon would there be a problem with that? I can't afford another tank but I do have totes one holds 40 gallon could I put them in there until there bigger? There very sturdy only concern would be Leaching of what ever the totes are made of.

Orange Crush
07-20-2012, 05:24 AM
If you are going with smaller discus in a 115 G tank then use a divider to keep them coraled into a smalller area. This way you do not need to buy a smaller tank and they can grow into the one you have now. Also, you get the benefit of much more stable water conditions because they are in a bigger tank.

07-20-2012, 05:53 AM
I have another question about the tank size if I get them at 3inch and put them in a 115 gallon would there be a problem with that? I can't afford another tank but I do have totes one holds 40 gallon could I put them in there until there bigger? There very sturdy only concern would be Leaching of what ever the totes are made of.

best way to take the fun out of keeping discus--put them where you can't see them. All the work and none of the rewards.

try OC idea

07-20-2012, 06:20 AM
With the Divid would I do half? The tank is 49inch long and about 31inch high. Also how would that work Divid what can I use any ideas? Also lthe reason for putting in the 40 gallon bin lot less to clean? Till I move them of course. The bin is clear you can see through it pretty well.

07-20-2012, 08:36 PM
Nvm I forgot I have a 40 gallon aquarium in the garage. I'll use that till there bigger thanks for all the help:)

07-20-2012, 08:37 PM
How many 3inch discus can fit into a 40 gallon? And how long till I move them too the 115gallon??