View Full Version : Stocking a 55 gallon questions

08-01-2012, 09:41 PM
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum. I am getting a 55 gallon planted tank and was thinking this for stocking:

5 discus
8 rummy nose tetras
8 cardinal tetras
3 ottos

Is this overstocked? Could I add another discus or more schooling fish or ottos? I would love to hear your thoughts or what you did with your tanks. Thanks!:)

08-01-2012, 09:52 PM
I would love to hear your thoughts or what you did with your tanks. Thanks!:)

well.................. since you asked..
go barebottom, forget that others stuff.. just discus, glass, heater and water..

keep them alive for one year... they move on to the other stuff..

KISS method is ALWAYS best!

08-02-2012, 01:32 AM
well.................. since you asked..
go barebottom, forget that others stuff.. just discus, glass, heater and water..

keep them alive for one year... they move on to the other stuff..

KISS method is ALWAYS best!

And a filter :)

08-02-2012, 03:15 AM
Hi mj and welcome to the forums!

Definitely take Warlock and Trier's advice. For your first time raising discus it's much less stress on you and you'll get better results, if you just go barebottom with no other inhabitants in the tank.

Once you've grown them out for a year and gotten a handle on the care they require, then it's time to buy a bigger tank and start adding all the extra stuff.

Here's a pic of my current grow out tank:


Sorry it's so dark, took the pic after a late night water change, but you get the idea, right? It's stark, yet beautiful with the contrast of the black background and the vivid colors of discus. Best part is how simple it is to keep it clean! It only takes me 20 minutes a day to do a 90% water change and discus do love clean fresh water. =)