View Full Version : Pair finally made it to Wiggler Stage!

08-02-2012, 10:32 AM
Hello all!

Some of you know my last batch of fry went to free swimming and were eaten - this I believe was my fault but I won't get into the details! Too long. LOL

However on the morning of July 29th I was greeted with a good batch of eggs by my pair. This is the 3rd batch since they ate their free swimmers. The first two didnt make it past the first day of egg stage. Here is my current timeline:

July 29: Spawned
July 31: Wigglers - attached to driftwood
Aug 1: Wigglers - moved to the dial of the heater.. thrived well here were very visable
Aug 2: Wigglers - moved back to the driftwood.. some escaped and were floating around the top of the tank but all appear to be back with mom and dad now

No WCs have been done since the eggs were laid. Reason being is because they seem to be pretty ticked with me meddling. I haven't touched anything.. I just feed them but as soon as me or anyone goes near the tank or walks by.... the male is front and center of the tank following you. Last thing I want is them to eat them so I am leaving it as is for now.

Once they attach I will likely do a very careful WC of 25% on a bi-daily basis. I will likely take the syphon tube off and just use the hose so that I have more control. I'd rather NOT do it so I dont piss anyone off but I know it has to be done lol.

Stay tuned!

Wigglers on the dial of the heater lol

08-02-2012, 11:42 AM
Congrats ...

08-02-2012, 01:51 PM

08-02-2012, 02:09 PM
Interesting where the parents move their kiddos. Congrats! Hope you keep the success up!

08-04-2012, 10:21 AM
Hey guys! They ate all but two fry which have been free swimming for two days with no attachment yet. I am considering lowering the tank water to help.

Its a 40g decorated tank.
I plan to take all of the stuff our except the substrate, lower the water so the fry can attach.
