View Full Version : discus growing question

tom g
08-08-2012, 08:09 PM
hi there i am trying to grow out six juvie discus ,what i noticed was that the six juvies i got were all similar size +/- a little bit of difference .
so i have been feeding them daily up to four times a day variety of food , flakes /beefheart /pellats/nls growth.
two of the discus were getting bigger compared to the other four so i moved them into a differnt tank , and they have grown hugely compared to the four . what have i done wrong feeding schedule has been the same , water changes daily .with reg tap water and prime / water sits for 24 hrs and is airated .
the four that are in the one tank are all pretty close to the exact size allk four of them .can not get an accurate measurement unless i take them out and measure them with a net.
the two larger ones are as large as my one that has been in my tank for over a year .i am sure his growth has been stunted as the two that i got at the same time as the above have matched his size.but all three of them are gettting along in the qt tank.
my other question is can i put the larger ones in my display tank or can i keep them in the qt tank to grow them out larger . i dont want to have the same prob as prior and have them starve to death as my one previous did die i assume becasue it did not eat as much in my 75 gal planted tank.any ideas just curious if there is a growth scale of some sort to see the diff in discus

the first photo is of the juvie , the second photo is with the 1.5 year guy so u can see they are almost similar sizes
the third photo is the size of the juvies to date , again all juvies i got were similar in size except the two that i moved started to bully and noticed there size was doubling .

08-08-2012, 08:49 PM
I'm curious as to what others have to say as well. I have 7 that are going on 2 months in my care that were 3 to 3-1/2" when I got them and the difference in their size is starting to become very apparent. The largest have grown significantly, but one doesn't look any larger than he did when he arrived. He gets pummeled pretty badly at feeding time unless I dump in pellets that spread across the bottom. FDBW's only get his way if one of the others lets one slip by. I feel sorry for the little fellow and wonder what I can do for him to get more food and get bigger.

08-10-2012, 09:01 AM
fish grow at different rates and to different sizes..

the younger the fish you buy.. the more risk there is you will get a slow grow/runt fish..

when you grow out a small group.. one or two will have great growth.. one or two.. will be ok growth.. and 1 or 2 will just never grown..

thats why, buying the largest fish you can.. is better.. since you buy the top 1 or 2 out of the spawn.. while others are culled..

what you are seeing is normal.. no need to separate.. the more the merrier.. imho

tom g
08-11-2012, 08:32 AM
how long does a typical grow out go for , do i keep them in the grow out tanks till they are larger .my question is this because i have a planted tank and i am worried that they will get starved in the tank .i know the one discus i had passed on because i deff didnt feed him enough.
since i will be feeding beefheart to the discus in the tank will there be a prob with left over food in the planted tank , i do have mts in my planted tank ,i have cory cats and i do have a few plecos .