View Full Version : Shy fish? low tank?

08-09-2012, 11:43 AM
Hi everyone,

About to move out my 55G aquarium (not very excited about that:)).
I have had my discus fosh for about 8 months now. Even if they are not growing to their full potential, they are doing great..they eat, lay eggs and look happy.
however, they get very scared easily, even if the room is quiet, no kid tapping on the glass and i feed them well.
They just freak out when someone pass by the tank.
I was wondering if it is because the tank stand is too low (28 inches high, basically at my hips level) and the shadow freaks them out.
Anyone has experienced it? do you know where could I buy a high tank stand so they are at my eye level?
Thank you!

Second Hand Pat
08-09-2012, 11:48 AM
Eti, when someone walks by the tank are they passing through any sunlight? or walking in front of a window where the fish would see an dark outline as the person walks by. Do they freak out when you walk by?

08-09-2012, 11:50 AM
Hi Pat, thanks for your answer. No, they would not see any outline. They just freak out when I walk by. The water is very clean (3 25% changes a week), 5 discus and only tetras in there, not overcrowded at all...

08-09-2012, 12:00 PM
I get the same problems, i have 7 grow outs in a bb 55 and have the same issue. 50% daily etc..

The tank is in my living room so they see everyone through out the day. I dislike that trait, i just hope im not doing anything wrong

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08-09-2012, 12:23 PM
It happens. All it takes is one of them to freak out and the others will follow. Funny thing is I had a group of wilds that never did this. You would think wilds would be more skittish than domestics.

08-09-2012, 01:58 PM
Thanks for your answers. Do you think that if i would get the tank at high level, it would help?

08-09-2012, 06:13 PM
Ive had/have tanks at all different levels,and sometimes its just the fish.Have a 75,2 20's ,and a 135 all about 6" off the ground,no problems.Then I had some blue diamond fry in a 75 low,and they would sometimes spook.Go figure.