View Full Version : Pellet/flakes

08-19-2012, 05:58 AM
Has anyone tried these?
Cobalt aquatics pro breeder flakes has beef heart
Cobalt aquatics shrimp pellets
New found spectrum discus formulas( heArd that the cichlid food is the same?)
New found spectrum growth formula
Any feedback on these? Also any other good brand that I can get in Canada? Thanks

08-19-2012, 06:07 AM
take a cup of bill'd super beefheart flake and spread it out on a cookie sheet that has been covered with saran wrap. drizzle with water untill moist, stir. It should be a thick paste consistency (better a little dry than wet). Smear it evenly and thinly across saran wrap. place indoors with good airflow- in front of fan or something.

Wait some hours and crumble the dried opaste into the size "pellets' that you want.

I added FD blackworms to my paste. because I wanted to.

08-19-2012, 06:20 AM
Where do you get bill'd superbeef heArt flakes?

08-19-2012, 07:30 AM
Sponsor here, Inland Empire. Look at sponsor section. The food is expensive but he really uses high quality stuff and a lot of beef heart. The other flakes only have a little. Also remember that beefheart without all the water in it would be expensive too assuming they charges the same.

Plus my fish took to it really quickly, I even have one fish that eats the flake like crazy, eats FDBW somewhat and just nibbles at straight beefheart.