View Full Version : 75g tank-how well can i raise my discus in there

08-21-2012, 11:20 AM
Hi everyone,

Just acquired a nice 75G tank on craigslist (for 160$, awesome shape, sweeet :) and I obvisouly want to put discus in there.
In order to grow the fishs to their full potential, I was wondering:

- How many discus can I put in there to have them fully grown? I heard 4 would be the max but the more I can put, the better..!
-Can I put some neons tetra or should I just keep discus?
-Can I put a thin layer of sand (w/o plants), just for esthetic reasons or is it absolutely not recommended to grow the discus?

Thanks for all your help!

08-21-2012, 11:25 AM
Hi Eti,

If the 75G tank is going to be a permanent home for your discus after you've raised them, then the max you should buy is 7. You'll want to allow 10 gallons per adult discus. I raised mine with corydoras and a piece of driftwood in the tank. The cories will eat any extra bits of food that lay around.

What size discus are you planning to purchase? If they are smaller than 3.5" I probably wouldn't add any sand. If they are going to be 4" and if you are willing to commit to a large daily water change with heavy vacuuming of the sand, then it will work.

08-21-2012, 11:28 AM
Read the Stickies in BEGINNER SECTION.. great info (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?48-Discus-Basics-for-Beginners)

your questions have already been asked and answered.. and they will keep gettin asked..

BUT this is Still the best answer.. stickes :)

08-21-2012, 12:00 PM
Thanks a lot guys!