View Full Version : Glass catfish from Asia

08-21-2012, 11:44 AM
I noticed how cool a school of them look! I was thinking about 10-12. I like the Asian type, more transparent than the rarely seen african ones. Do they go with Discus? They are peaceful and eat the same food. I searched this site and only found them mentioned. Can they take the heat? (82-84)

Kingdom Come Discus
08-21-2012, 03:53 PM
Hope this helps as far as the temp. requirements.
http://www.fishchannel.com/fish-species/freshwater-profiles/glass-catfish-2.aspx .

08-21-2012, 05:27 PM
Thanks Kraig, I saw that posting when I searched for information. Unfortunately I missed where it gave a temperature range. Maybe I need to learn to read again? By the way there are some other sites when you google glass catfish and show how cool they look in schools. I am working on a planted Discus tank so they will work. It appears that they need plants or hiding places so a BB tank is not good for them It appears that most of the glass cats are imported. I'll use my trick of paying the LFS for them when they arrive and make an excuse to P/U in a week in case they were traumatized by shipping.

Orange Crush
08-21-2012, 06:20 PM
I had looked into get some of these before I decided to go with discus. they get more like 4" not 2.5", need to be kept in schools of at least 5, and do prefer the water to be no more than 80F but can tolerate it up to 82F (however, they probably will not have as strong of an immune system or live as long since that is not their ideal perameters).

08-21-2012, 08:28 PM
OC, I think I will give them a try. I really do not know how an extra few degrees will affect them. They look good. I will buy a dozen or so. That is still less than the cost of one 5" Discus. I was going to get clown loaches but I have read that they will eat the plants. I am not sure about clowns now.

08-25-2012, 06:03 AM
I have had glass cats with my Discus for over 2 years with no problems. Temp 84 Ph 6.2

Kingdom Come Discus
08-25-2012, 10:34 PM
I have had glass cats with my Discus for over 2 years with no problems. Temp 84 Ph 6.2

Thats good to know. I had glass cats when I was eight years old in my first 10 gallon they lived a year until my 5 year old sister turned the hang on the back heater up all the way. I was fascinated with them then, and still think they are very cool. I may try a half a dozen myself one day.

08-26-2012, 03:09 PM
I"ve had them for quite a few years in my display,temp around 83.My grandkids call them the ghost fish.Just had the last one die the other day,and they're a little pricey around here right now,$7+ apiece,so no replacement school in the near future.

08-26-2012, 05:40 PM
Bill, I am in NYC and I would say the price varies from 6.99 to 8.99. The size is about 2" including tail. I will get them when I next see up. I did find Kuhli Loaches today. It seems that 5 of the six LFS I visit say they get Kulhi Loaches but they sell out so dam fast. I only see markings on the tanks that they are for sale. By the way I found them at 3/$7. They are yellow with black saddle like markings that almost cover the entire fish. I also saw all black ones but I prefer the two tone. I bought 18. Rarely see any as they hide in and under my drift wood. I read that if you buy a lot, give them places to hide you will see them more. By the way no Discus yet. They will arrive end of October-Christmas. Waiting for plants to establish themselves. The good part of no Discus, weekly or biweekly water changes. I have to go to a Lowes or something as my Python takes what seems like forever to do 50-100 gallon changes. Next week will be camera week so I can post photos.

08-26-2012, 05:43 PM
I thought mine were dead until i moved some driftwood.

08-26-2012, 06:17 PM
I have Malaysian driftwood with holes (Spaces) that I picked out so the fish (Not Discus) can swim thru them. I now know there are small cave like spaces in what I thought was solid wood and my small clown loaches and Kulhis hide in them. I have read about Kuhlis disappearing for weeks and months and reappearing. Do you have HOB filters? I have read that they can turn up in those. I have sponge over the intakes on mine but I will check when I start cleaning the filters. I have read they can live for years.

Orange Crush
08-26-2012, 06:33 PM
I have kuhlis in one of my tanks. I love them but they do spend most of the time hiding in the driftwood. I do see them at feeding time and at night when the tank lights go out. They love sand as a substrate for sure.

08-28-2012, 12:16 AM
I used to have some glass cats. For whatever reason they can't survive at all if kept singly, 5+ is a must. They can be aggressive eaters.... They out competed my angels at feeding time. They were cool for a few, but they ate everything and left nothing for my other fish so I had to give them away.

08-28-2012, 10:40 AM
Mario, I just purchased 4 from my LFS. I will buy about 6 more. When fish come into my LFS I like to wait a week before I buy so the ones not in the best health die in the store not in my tank.
You say they are agressive eaters. Are you sure that you have the Asia fish? They do not look like they could be agressive eaters. I have the Glass Cats (Kryptopterus species) from Asia. They are transparent with the internal organs in a small sac in the front of the fish and the bones clearly visible. The other Glass Catfish from Africa (Eutropiellus cspecies) has a line or two down its side and is not as transparent. The African fish has much larger internal organs.
I do not have Discus yet but I have a lot of bottom feeders, corys and loaches. I intentionally overfeed to make sure the bottom feeders, slow eaters and hiding fish all get enough food. I wait 30-60 minutes before I remove excess food. I rarely have excess food. If I waited 5-10 minutes for the fish to eat I'd have a lot of extra food but it all seems to get eaten.

08-28-2012, 10:57 PM
Mario, I just purchased 4 from my LFS. I will buy about 6 more. When fish come into my LFS I like to wait a week before I buy so the ones not in the best health die in the store not in my tank.
You say they are agressive eaters. Are you sure that you have the Asia fish? They do not look like they could be agressive eaters. I have the Glass Cats (Kryptopterus species) from Asia. They are transparent with the internal organs in a small sac in the front of the fish and the bones clearly visible. The other Glass Catfish from Africa (Eutropiellus cspecies) has a line or two down its side and is not as transparent. The African fish has much larger internal organs.
I do not have Discus yet but I have a lot of bottom feeders, corys and loaches. I intentionally overfeed to make sure the bottom feeders, slow eaters and hiding fish all get enough food. I wait 30-60 minutes before I remove excess food. I rarely have excess food. If I waited 5-10 minutes for the fish to eat I'd have a lot of extra food but it all seems to get eaten.

In honesty I don't know what kind I had :o I bought them from petsmart ( i know they are evil ) But given your description I believe I had the asian kind. I mean they are timid fish by all means go for it, that was just my experience with them. Maybe you will have a different outcome. Several factors can affect a fish's interaction in their tanks (plants, current, light, etc) So depending on your setup you may have a totally different outcome than me.

08-29-2012, 12:17 PM
I do not know what you had either. I have seen the African Glass Cats but never wanted to own them. I do not think Petsmart is evil myself. They tend to have some staff that know a little and some staff that actually know nothing about fish. I have seen Discus there but I would not take them for free. Petsmart has good sales on everything. If you want fish other than Discus they are fine I think. I purchased some albino corys there recently are they seem to be fine. I live in NYC and there non sale prices on fish seem OK. For supplies they are convenient, I can walk there. I usually use Kens Fish and save 30-50% off their regular prices. Their sale prices are still more than Kens.

Orange Crush
08-29-2012, 04:51 PM
I do not think Petsmart is evil myself.
I think Mario was saying that Petsmart is evil because whenever you buy from a big chain store you are helping to put the independantly owned businesses out of business. It kills the american dream that anyone can succeed and have their own succussfull business. That is why I buy from my LFS. I want my money to go directly to someone who is trying to pay their bills, not to executives that are lining their multimillions dollar bank accounts at the expensive of others.

08-30-2012, 12:46 PM
OC, that is a good point. I prefer my LFS. Petsmart is 1/3-1/2 the distance to my LFS. I live in NYC, I own a car, but sometimes I just want to walk or I am in a rush. If I had to drive everywhere I would only go to my LFS. I am an unusual case however. I think most people do drive to their LFS. By the way, most of my fish come from a LFS and most of my supplies from Kens Fish.