View Full Version : Asking For Egg-yolk Paste recipe for Baby discus raised artificially

Sergio Argentina
08-29-2012, 12:22 AM
Hello i would like to know if anyone has a recipe built to feed my baby discus. I want to try raising them artificially but no have the most important thing, the food recipe. I would be glad to use it :D

08-29-2012, 12:37 AM
It's been awhile so this is what I recall doing:

Separate an egg york from the egg white and mix the yolk throughly. We would take a bit onto out fingertips and smear a thin film on about half of a large white bowl at the anticipated water line. Thin is the key so when it drys it sticks good. We'd let this dry.

After the yolk had dried, we's add temp adjusted water and add the fry. A light will be needed over the bowl with a airline bubbling very ,very slowly. The egg yolk should draw the fry to it as it is darker than the bowl. The egg will quickly foul the water so after a brief feeding, you;ll have to remove the fry.

You might consider doing several bowls with egg at once, then refrigerate after drying...just make sure it is not too cold when you add the water.

Another way we tried was soft boiling the egg and using the yolk as above. I'm sure others will weigh in.

The most challenging part is doing this 14 times a day or more and not damaging the fry in the handling. Jack Wattley used a turkey baster and we did too.

Good luck! This is perhaps the most difficult and demanding aspect of breeding these fish in my opinion.

08-29-2012, 09:52 AM
Hello guys on SD ! My recommendation is for you to watch this clip, it gives you some nice tips and a overview of raising fry artificially.

Just realised i cant post links yet haha typical. Just search for "XXL DISCUS 2 Farm of Fabio Sabatino Part Two" on youtube and youŽll fid it.

08-29-2012, 10:13 AM
Yes, that's good clip


08-29-2012, 11:42 AM
Very impressive video. Using the dark plates for the egg yolk mix really makes a lot of sense and speeds up the process considerably.

Sergio Argentina
09-03-2012, 02:49 PM
i saw some people doing it in the dish directly adding the egg yolk.
Then i saw big tuck method.. was thinking to use it, but the real problem is HOW is the paste made.. and that was i want to know :P
saw the video of Sabatino, but works like that? Always need the lamp bulb to make the fry eat from there?

09-03-2012, 03:24 PM
There is no "secret" method. Some people use straight egg yolk powder and water, others use some cornstarch, and others yet add some spiralina powder....key is the consistancy of the paste.

Sergio Argentina
09-03-2012, 06:05 PM
ok, consistancy should be like butter?
then is needed the bulb of lamp to teach fry to feed or how to?

09-03-2012, 07:46 PM
I prefer mine closer to that of school paste.

09-04-2012, 07:16 AM
Jims discus(http://www.jimsdiscus.co.uk/) in the uk make a powder you mix with egg yolk that has everything in it. He produces it to the Just discus recipe.There is a bit on Just discus here http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/php/detail49_136616.php

Sergio Argentina
09-04-2012, 11:07 AM
saw that, but i am from argentina, contacted him too. But he only sell the paste. I was wondering to have instructions with a recipe to make a good paste for my fry