View Full Version : Do your discus freak out when you have guests?

09-04-2012, 09:22 AM
Mine do. I have 7 wild Cuipeuas in a 80g which seem to recognize me and the cleaning lady that comes twice a week, but who get really stressed when other people approach the tank, especially kids. I am receiving friends this week and they have a 7 yr old daughter. Everytime she approaches the tank they get spooked, even when she is not too close or moving fast. I mean, they throw themselves against the glass, driftwood, etc.

Do you experience the same? Just wondering...

09-04-2012, 09:29 AM
Mine get freaked out when other people get to close to the tank or when people move to fast around the tank.


09-04-2012, 09:36 AM
My fish don't get frantic or anything, but they do seem to take notice when strange people are around.

Floppy Fin's
09-04-2012, 09:45 AM
Discus are a very sensitive fish to their surroundings. Yes, they do recognize strangers and consider them a threat and will respond to variious degrees of reactions.. depending on how much tank decor they can use for cover. All fish ofALL species like cover to use for safety. Bare tanks are fine in a one or two person hatchery environment. Covered tanks are important if you have jumpers.
I would take some precautions and take children to the tank slowly, even introduce them to the Discus fish...so to speak. :-)

09-04-2012, 09:52 AM
I have found that a lot of it depends on the room lighting. In rooms with natural light, I have found them to be less skittish. In dark rooms with lamps and I have found them to be more skittish. I think it has to do with the shadows. Discus are easily the most skittish fish I have worked with and it is annoying at times. If you have one that is very skittish, the rest will follow. On the flip side, all you need is one in the group that is very bold and the rest will feel secure. I once had an albino SS that I could pet and pick up with my bare hand. You could bang on the glass and it would never flee. That was my best display tank to date because that one discus made the rest of the group feel secure.

09-04-2012, 10:44 AM
Mine get freaked out when other people get to close to the tank or when people move to fast around the tank.

Mine very rarely do it when I am around, but often when strangers are around.

My fish don't get frantic or anything, but they do seem to take notice when strange people are around.

How do they "notice" that strangers are around? Suspicious looks? :)

Discus are a very sensitive fish to their surroundings. Yes, they do recognize strangers and consider them a threat and will respond to variious degrees of reactions.. depending on how much tank decor they can use for cover. All fish ofALL species like cover to use for safety. Bare tanks are fine in a one or two person hatchery environment. Covered tanks are important if you have jumpers. I would take some precautions and take children to the tank slowly, even introduce them to the Discus fish...so to speak. :-)

Interesting. I have been trying to "introduce" the little girl to them, but they keep freeking out.

I have found that a lot of it depends on the room lighting. In rooms with natural light, I have found them to be less skittish. In dark rooms with lamps and I have found them to be more skittish. I think it has to do with the shadows. Discus are easily the most skittish fish I have worked with and it is annoying at times.

My tank is in the living room, so less shadows than in other contexts. And you are right, their "exagarated" fear sometimes gets annoying.

If you have one that is very skittish, the rest will follow.

Exactly! I have noticed that so many times.

On the flip side, all you need is one in the group that is very bold and the rest will feel secure. I once had an albino SS that I could pet and pick up with my bare hand. You could bang on the glass and it would never flee. That was my best display tank to date because that one discus made the rest of the group feel secure.

I need a leader like that :)

09-04-2012, 12:23 PM
Guess it depends on the group. I've had fish from Forrest that could take a team of people beating on the glass and they'd still swim right up front on the glass like they were getting fed.

09-04-2012, 01:37 PM
I had similar problem with heckels. What I did was covering one side and about 10" on the front to create a secure area for them to chill. It did stop them from being skittish and crashing to the glass. However it doesn't look that good for a display tank.

09-09-2012, 02:11 AM
Mine were feeding happily on some FDBW and when I decided to pull out a tape measure to get an estimate of their size.....they flipped out and hid. When I left to put the tape measure away they went back to feeding.

so clearly Mike Beals tramatized these fish with a tape measure. LOL.

09-09-2012, 03:34 AM
Well, frankly my DIscus dont freak out in the presence of my guests.
I guess I can agree that they swim openly and approach me, when they see me, so its true that Discus do recognize people.
But with guests they just back up a bit and stay put.

09-09-2012, 09:10 AM
I have 10 blue diamonds in one of my tanks. They are growing and doing well. However I have never seen them eat (i have had them for 3 months or so) and when I vacuum and do water changes I have to move very slowly or they flip out. They are very shy to say the least. I have to stand completely still for about 10-15 mins for them to unbunch and come out of hiding. But even then they are very weary of me. Oddly my two girls don't seem to have the same effect on them they certainly move much quicker then I. Guess I am just suspicious looking.

09-09-2012, 10:10 AM
Mine were feeding happily on some FDBW and when I decided to pull out a tape measure to get an estimate of their size.....they flipped out and hid. When I left to put the tape measure away they went back to feeding.

so clearly Mike Beals tramatized these fish with a tape measure. LOL.

LOL, yeah mine are terrified of all measuring devices. My fish will come right over the the glass for me but will hide from from my wife and kids.

09-10-2012, 05:33 PM
I think most Discus fish are French.

09-11-2012, 09:41 AM
hahaha, I am French and I will take that as a compliment! Any of you has a tip to get them less freaked out?

09-11-2012, 11:51 AM
hahaha, I am French and I will take that as a compliment! Any of you has a tip to get them less freaked out?

Yeah, dont be careful around them. Do everything around them as usual so they get used to you....not you get used to them.