View Full Version : sick pleco

09-06-2012, 12:01 AM
I realize this site is not about Pleco's, but I need some experienced fish people to lend me some advice. I have a 10 gallon tank that I kept one pleco and two goldfish in for about a year before the goldfish were beginning to outgrow the tank. They were all moved to a friends indoor pond, the tank was emptied, but I kept all the items including the gravel. I didnt clean anything because I wanted to keep all the established bacteria etc. I moved across the country and the tank was empty for about 1 week before I re-set the tank up. I bought a heater with the intention of stocking my tank with some guppies or tetras. After it ran for a couple of days I bought a beautiful little pleco. He has been super happy, swimming around, his spots were bright and he appeared healthy. After I let him settle in for two days I went to another store and saw the brackish water figure 8 puffers. I was told that a table spoon of salt every three weeks would benefit my pleco and allow me to put a few of these guys in the tank, but no other fish. I bought three little puffers and brought them home. I added the salt slowly, the temperature is at 78 degrees, I let them adjust in the bag for an hour before adding some of my tank water to their water and letting them adjust for another hour. I added them to the tank and they were super fun and seemed happy. They ate some blood worms, my pleco didnt mind them he hung out and wandered around the tank as usual. About 24 hours later all the puffers died within a few minutes of eachother, and without much warning. They started bumping into the things and then they were all belly up. I am obviously unhappy, but I checked my pleco and he seemed alright. I havent acquired any more fish, but its been another day and now my pleco has a greenish grey, dusty, fungus-looking patches on his back. There is also cloudy stuff floating around my tank, it looks like chunks of snot, its a little stringy, and my filter has lots of it stuck to it. I dont know whether to medicate sir Plexington, and if so what medication and at what concentration/dose? I dont know whether to change the water, and if so how much? I dont want to go back to the place that talked me into the puffers, research has indicated I had neither the room nor the conditions suitable for them. I feel terrible! I do really like my pleco though, and I would really like to make him well. He is still active, his gills seem fine, he doesnt appear to be breathing heavily, but he has something nasty growing on him, and its taking over my tank. What to do? I would like to add a couple of guppies, but this obviously needs to be sorted out first.

Thank you in advance!

09-06-2012, 12:40 AM
Your tank isn't cycled anymore- beneficial bacteria died.
Cloudy stuff could be bacteria bloom or Spores from the Fungus.
I think your Pleco has a fungal infection.
Could be Saprolegnia Fungus, since it is a brackish tank. Could be a different Fungus.
Does it look white and furlike?
Mardel-Maroxy is a good Fungus Treatment.
Clean dechlorinated water and raise temp alittle could help.
I COULD be wrong, be sure to find out what it is before treating the fish.

Hope I helped.

09-06-2012, 09:06 AM
Your tank isn't cycled anymore- beneficial bacteria died.
Cloudy stuff could be bacteria bloom or Spores from the Fungus.
I think your Pleco has a fungal infection.
Could be Saprolegnia Fungus, since it is a brackish tank. Could be a different Fungus.
Does it look white and furlike?
Mardel-Maroxy is a good Fungus Treatment.
Clean dechlorinated water and raise temp alittle could help.
I COULD be wrong, be sure to find out what it is before treating the fish.

Hope I helped.

That sounds pretty good.

If you can't find maraoxy, try furan 2 as is it works well on fungus/bacteria and its very easy on plecos.

09-06-2012, 11:16 AM
Thank you! I have some water sitting out in preparation for a change. How much higher should I raise the temperature? I thought 80 was pushing it a little high, its currently at 78. Ill be looking for the antifungals mentioned tonight. He actually looked better this morning, so hopefully with a little help he will get all cleared up.

Kindest regards!


09-06-2012, 01:30 PM
Thank you! I have some water sitting out in preparation for a change. How much higher should I raise the temperature? I thought 80 was pushing it a little high, its currently at 78. Ill be looking for the antifungals mentioned tonight. He actually looked better this morning, so hopefully with a little help he will get all cleared up.

Kindest regards!


Well it really depends. What type of pleco is it? Keep the tank water clean and things may fix themselves. ;)

09-06-2012, 02:34 PM
When you say the pleco was swimming around..do you mean going from surface to surface cleaning or just swimming around the tank? Just swimming around the tank is not normal behavior for a pleco...it normally means something is off in the water.

09-06-2012, 02:44 PM
He is cleaning the tank, but there isnt a lot of algae yet. Ive been giving him algae disks but he doesnt seem to like them (I bought the fancy ones too!). I bought him some veggies yesterday, but I havent tried giving him anything yet. He doesnt go to the surface of the tank, but he hangs on the sides and on the rocks and stuff I have in the tank. If we walk by the tank sometimes he shoots into the ship (a big cave with multiple entrances), but he does move around from item to item in the tank quite a bit. He doesnt just swim around, but he pretty actively circulates around the tank. I dont know what hes up to at night, but during the day he doesnt hide or stay in one place. I never saw my previous pleco, he hid all day and then I would find the places he had cleaned the next morning.

09-06-2012, 02:49 PM
He is cleaning the tank, but there isnt a lot of algae yet. Ive been giving him algae disks but he doesnt seem to like them (I bought the fancy ones too!). I bought him some veggies yesterday, but I havent tried giving him anything yet. He doesnt go to the surface of the tank, but he hangs on the sides and on the rocks and stuff I have in the tank. If we walk by the tank sometimes he shoots into the ship (a big cave with multiple entrances), but he does move around from item to item in the tank quite a bit. He doesnt just swim around, but he pretty actively circulates around the tank. I dont know what hes up to at night, but during the day he doesnt hide or stay in one place. I never saw my previous pleco, he hid all day and then I would find the places he had cleaned the next morning.
Depends on what type of pleco you have depends on what you should feed him. You should try hikaris sinking carnivore pellets also. And I would be careful of the salt some fancy plecos are sensitive to salt. Would help if you could gives us a name or L number for the pleco for giving advice on temp and feeding.

09-06-2012, 03:06 PM
At the store they had him labelled as a spotted sailfin pleco. He doesnt have big spots, but he does have well defined if not completely circular spots. He is dark and in the tank light he looks a little orange. I tried to attach a pic but the uploader just keeps telling me it failed.

09-06-2012, 03:21 PM
At the store they had him labelled as a spotted sailfin pleco. He doesnt have big spots, but he does have well defined if not completely circular spots. He is dark and in the tank light he looks a little orange. I tried to attach a pic but the uploader just keeps telling me it failed.
Those are pretty common plecos..mostly veggie eaters and the temp range is quite large so if you are having bacterial or fungal issues I wouldn't raise the temp anymore. They also get quite large 18"+ so he/she may outgrow your tank pretty fast. These don't have salt sensitivities that I know of.

09-06-2012, 03:23 PM
At the store they had him labelled as a spotted sailfin pleco. He doesnt have big spots, but he does have well defined if not completely circular spots. He is dark and in the tank light he looks a little orange. I tried to attach a pic but the uploader just keeps telling me it failed.

Its because you dont have enough posts yet. Keep posting here until you can post a picture.