View Full Version : Question about discus age/behavior...

09-17-2012, 11:39 AM
I have 6 large discus in a 55 gallon bb tank. I bought them from Hans back in early January and now its 8 months later. I assume they were approximately 6 months old when I bought them at 4 inch size. The fish are doing very well, but I almost expected to see some sort of spawning behavior by this time. The fish all just hang out like they are best buddies. Am I either too impatient, or is it really possible that I have 6 females?? I say females, because none seem to have any pointed fins or streamers.
I was really hoping to get a pair out of the 6.

09-17-2012, 11:44 AM
.. it is possible to get 6 females..

but water quality.. food, age, etc..

have a lot to do with..

you will just have to keep waiting.. *assuming all the other things mentioned are to their satisfaction*

09-17-2012, 11:45 AM
Females will often lay eggs with other females, so if you have all of one sex it would probably be male.

Also fish will sometimes not spawn when they are in less than ideal situations. I am not saying that is the case, but other than a 55 gallon tank where are they at? water temp, water changes, what you feeding them,

Historically it has been stated that if you start with 6 fish you have an 88% change of getting a pair...maybe your just unlucky and hit on the 12%.

Good luck,


09-17-2012, 11:46 AM
Damnit I have to type faster...


09-17-2012, 11:47 AM
Damnit I have to type faster...


listen to john.. he knows.. alot!!! about nothing.. cept discus!

i don't have work this morning :)

09-17-2012, 11:53 AM
Damnit I have to type faster...


LOL ... John, you typed fast, but I typed more words than Skip, that's why you couldn't bit him

listen to john.. he knows.. alot!!! about nothing.. cept discus!

i don't have work this morning :)
Lucky you Skip

Am I either too impatient, or is it really possible that I have 6 females?? I say females, because none seem to have any pointed fins or streamers.
Male only show breeding tube when he's in the mood (when he makes the run)

09-17-2012, 11:07 PM
Thanks for the replies. Water quality is good, daily water changes and they eat like pigs. I just thought by now I would see some different behavior from them. My water is fairly hard and the ph is high, but I don't think that would stop them from trying to breed. They just hang out and swim around like they are best pals :-) Maybe this will change 3 - 6 months from now.