View Full Version : Do I need to age my water out of tap? (Water parameters listed)

09-30-2012, 01:30 PM
Hey guys I'm pretty new to discus and I have a question regarding my water parameters.

Using api gh/kh test kit, master test kit and digital ph tester (calibrated)

Out of the tap:
pH 7.5
KH 8 drops 143 ppm
GH 8 drops 143 ppm

pH 8.2
KH 7 drops 125 ppm
GH 7 drops 125 ppm

I also did a test on a bare bottom 5 gallon I have and confirmed that the pH raises from 7.5 to 8.2. I had the 5 gallon tank heavily air rated with two airstones and it took about 20 minutes to raise the pH from 7.5 to 8.2 so I know nothing in my discus tank is buffering the pH.

Someone told me that its impossible that my pH raises out of the tap and it can only drop. Obviously this is not my case. My question is should I age my water before water changes? I have no problem buying two 55 gallon drums but if I can do a water change straight out the tap that would be great also. It's a 150 gallon, currently have 3 discus, picking some more up today and I dechlorinate with Prime, usually 2-3 capfuls with a daily 50-60% water change.


09-30-2012, 01:36 PM
I would age water 0.7 is a big swing.

Second Hand Pat
09-30-2012, 01:37 PM
If it were me I would absolutely age my tap water with a pH change like you have. My pH changes from 7.4 out of tap to 8.2 in four hours with air. I would love to have the change complete over 20 mins as I could turn water over a lot faster if needed.

09-30-2012, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the quick responses guys

I would love to have the change complete over 20 mins as I could turn water over a lot faster if needed.

Yeah man keep in mind I did the test in a small 5 gallon so I would assume it would take a larger body of water longer to shift. Have you had any success breeding in 8.2?

Second Hand Pat
09-30-2012, 02:11 PM
Yeah man keep in mind I did the test in a small 5 gallon so I would assume it would take a larger body of water longer to shift. Have you had any success breeding in 8.2?

No, but I am messing with wilds which breeding wise is a different ballgame then domestics.

10-01-2012, 11:45 AM
I think it would be ok to use your Water straight from the tap.I think your PH would be to high to breed Discus in,you would need a Reverse Osmosis Unit.

10-08-2012, 01:21 PM
Question, what air pump do you recommend for aeration for 3 55 gallon barrels. I'm not using power heads , instead I'm thinking about placing a big air disk at the bottom of the barrel and running the air hose through a hole I'll make and seal at the side. Ill bore another hole for a 1 inch PVC pipe in each of the barrels at the bottom then hook that up to a pump to take the water out of the barrels and into the tank. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to fill the barrels. Will the disks provide enough aeration? Looking for any thoughts or suggestions.

10-08-2012, 02:16 PM
I think it would be ok to use your Water straight from the tap.I think your PH would be to high to breed Discus in,you would need a Reverse Osmosis Unit.

No, it actually won't be okay. Going up in PH is easier on the fish than going down. If the tank is 8.2 and you do a water change from tap, which is 7.5, thats a drop of .7. Thats way too much and over time, the fish will fall ill from the repeated stress.

10-08-2012, 02:49 PM
Thanks Eddie, yeah I know that's way too much of a change I wasn't planning on following aquaworks1's advice there aha, actually I tested and it's closer to 8.3-8.4, hope that isn't too high :/

10-08-2012, 02:50 PM
Thanks Eddie, yeah I know that's way too much of a change I wasn't planning on following aquaworks1's advice there aha, actually I tested and it's closer to 8.3-8.4, hope that isn't too high :/

Nah, I've known some folks with amazing fish that were all raised in higher PH around those numbers. Your fish will tell you if they don't like it. ;)

10-08-2012, 02:56 PM
Your fish will tell you if they don't like it. ;)


10-08-2012, 03:00 PM
well they're eating, pooping, swimming and they're not dead yet so I'm guessing I have to be doing something right haha. ;)

it's funny because the small super blue I have seems to be the 'alpha' of the group, he's always the first to get the food and tries to chase the others away, they end up eating tho.

10-08-2012, 09:24 PM
guys I have a quick concern I hope that can be addressed, I know I have to age my water for sure, tap comes out at 7.3 and my tank is 8.3. Now I've read that oxygenation raises the pH. I have 3 12inch airstones in my tank, one currently off powered by a whisper deep 150, is it possible that I have too much oxygen in my tank that's causing it to raise the pH?

also when I start to age my water how would I know it's done aging, I'm planning to heavily oxygenate it so I don't want the ph to become to high, I'm really concerned over this I want a stable pH and my Kh is alright at 8 drops so someone please help me out, thanks.

10-08-2012, 10:14 PM
3 airstones in a 150 is not over oxygenating. A general rule is 12-24 hours to gas off/age water.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

10-08-2012, 10:38 PM
Thanks man, after I get my ageing tanks set up I'm just going to stop testing for ph like some members suggested, stress me out man.