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View Full Version : New tank questionnaire

10-01-2012, 11:17 PM
1) Please Introduce your self and tell us what your experience is with fishkeeping, give us as much information as possible as to how long in the hobby, what you have kept in the past and what you currently are working with.

My name is Matthew So and currently reside in southern missouri. Ive been in the hobby for 8-10 months now and have been hooked since my first tank which was a 20gallon african dwarf frog/beta tank which is the only tank ive kept going (i love my frogs). I have kept 2 other tanks with success one being an african cichlid malawi, mainly peacocks, tank since the water here is perfect for them, and another being an angelfish community tank. I stopped because there simply wasnt enough challenge or things to do to keep it going for me, i know its weird but i just lost interest. This is one of the reasons im going with discus the dedication and time to raise them seems right up my alley. The other reason is the first real pair of discus i saw i couldn't stop looking at them for over and hour they just captivated me since they are so serene.

2) If you have no previous experience with keeping discus, have you done any research to properly prepare yourself, e.g. have you read any Stickies in this section of SimplyDiscus, or other material?

I have been researching discus for the past 3 months taking down my other tanks to get ready for them. I have lurked on these forums for a couple months soaking up more information then i could have possibly gotten from books. Ive read at least 3 on discus/cichlids and nothing compared to this forum haha.

3) Describe your tank, its size and dimensions, breeding or display. Include how long it has been setup or if it is still being cycled.

The tank im going to raise the juvies in is 55 gallons. Its been set up for a few days and the supplier im buying from is going to give me established sponge filters so no need to cycle it. After i grown them to 4.5-5 inches they are going to go into my 125 gallon tank.

4) Describe the décor for the tank; type of substrate or bare bottom (BB), whether the tank will be planted or a biotope.

It will be a bare bottom tank nothing else other then heaters and the sponge filters. The 125 gallon tank they are going into will have a light sand bottom with lots of manzanita wood to create a natural biotope for them. Not planning on having plants for my first discus tank.

5) Describe your water changes planned or practiced, percentage and how often. Include if you age your water and use of tap/RO or mix.

My water changes planned are 50% once a day to raise them then when they are grown and go into the 125 i will do 3-4 a week which i hope is sufficient. I will be using aged tap i have an ro unit but just going to save it for a future marine tank, wanting to make this as simple as i can for my first discus tank.

6) Describe the type of filtration planned/used for the tank; sponge, HOB and/or sump. Also include the other equipment you are, or will be, using in your tank, e.g. heater, lighting, etc.

Just 2 established sponge filters, 2 100 watt heaters, normal florescents until i set up a diy led system.

7) If the tank is already setup and running, include the water parameters;

- temp-82-84

- tank ph-8.2

- Ph of the water straight out of your tap-8.0

- ammonia reading-0

- nitrite reading-0

- nitrate reading-0

- well water-no

- municipal water-yes

8) Describe your current or planned stocking levels; number/size of discus and number/type of dither fish. Where did you get your discus from or do you have a proposed source for getting your discus?

I have already bought 9 3"+ alanquer discus from rich at richiesfishroom.com. great guy really helped out loads by answering all my questions. they are stendkers he buys from hans i believe.

9) Describe your planned or existing feeding regimen. Include what and how often you are feeding on a daily basis.

I will be feeding them 5-6 times a day 6 times mainly on the weekends, 3 feedings of omega one super color flakes, 1 feeding of omega one veggie flakes, 1 feeding of frozen bloodworms or blackworms when i get them, and one feeding of beefheart right before the water change so i can make sure i get all the extra bh out.

10) What are your goals in this hobby? For example are you looking to keep discus in a planted community tank, or do you hope to become a hobby breeder of Discus? Do you want to raise Discus with the hopes of competing in shows?

My only goal is to be successful with keeping discus. There have been quite a few people around my city who haven't succeeded with discus and im sure its because they either didn't get them from the right source or didn't keep up with the maintenance. Theres only been one person who has succeeded and i think it would be neat to be the only other person to succeed :). If i do a great job i would love to start entering contest and what not but i have to see how raising them goes. The tank im planning on is going to be a natural discus biotope with no plants, once again keeping it as simple as possible. Im going to have manzanita to simulate roots and a rock background to hide everything since i wont have a sump. Eventually if i really get into it getting a breeding pair would be incredible but that's a very long road and im just starting :). Though i feel confident in my plans i thought id get one last check before i go get the fish. Thanks for your time.

10-02-2012, 06:09 PM
Looks pretty good. The only thing I'll add is that having 9 of them in the a 55 and feeding 6 times a day...you would benefit from changing more water daily and every day.

10-02-2012, 06:10 PM
Thank you for the response eddie. Do you think a 70% water change would be better or say 30% twice a day?

10-02-2012, 06:13 PM
Thank you for the response eddie. Do you think a 70% water change would be better or say 30% twice a day?

To make it easy, do one change a day. And roughly 90% or more would be a good number. Also, as the fish grow out, even just to 3.5"s, 9 of them will be too cramped in my opinion.

10-02-2012, 06:19 PM
Alright thank you for your input really appreciate it. Ill definitely move them into the 120 gallon much sooner then, i was advised by the dealer to use a 55gal, it will atleast let me observe them easily to see how well they adjust. In the larger tank would the 50% a day be alright until they were larger? i need to find a bigger water storage barrel haha.

10-02-2012, 06:21 PM
Alright thank you for your input really appreciate it. Ill definitely move them into the 120 gallon much sooner then, i was advised by the dealer to use a 55gal, it will atleast let me observe them easily to see how well they adjust. In the larger tank would the 50% a day be alright until they were larger? i need to find a bigger water storage barrel haha.

That should be fine. You have more wiggle room in the 120.

10-02-2012, 06:24 PM
Sweet. I was trying to comprehend how id do a 110 gallon water change every day. Thought id get a break after building the stand for my 55 but guess ill have to get right on building another after i get my discus tomorrow ;). Once again thank you eddie any info more experienced people can give really helps me out alot.

10-02-2012, 06:28 PM
Sweet. I was trying to comprehend how id do a 110 gallon water change every day. Thought id get a break after building the stand for my 55 but guess ill have to get right on building another after i get my discus tomorrow ;). Once again thank you eddie any info more experienced people can give really helps me out alot.

You are welcome. Hope you enjoy your new fish!

Another item, the temperature. Some keep it at 82 and others keep it bumped up a little higher for raising fish until adults. I like to keep mine around 86 +/-1 for growing fish out. Its all a personal preference.

10-02-2012, 06:31 PM
Yeah i just found out the thermometer i was using was way off by like 3 degrees good thing i decided to check with a cooking therm haha i couldn't figure out why my therm was only reading 82 when the heaters would not stay on even though they are set on 84. Well the tank is 85 and to think i was planning on turning it up even more. Learnt my lesson for sure. Ill keep it around 85 for now. And i definitely will i hope to do a tank blog on here when i can post pics.


10-02-2012, 06:34 PM
Yeah i just found out the thermometer i was using was way off by like 3 degrees good thing i decided to check with a cooking therm haha i couldn't figure out why my therm was only reading 82 when the heaters would not stay on even though they are set on 84. Well the tank is 85 and to think i was planning on turning it up even more. Learnt my lesson for sure. Ill keep it around 85 for now. And i definitely will i hope to do a tank blog on here when i can post pics.


Thats great, growout logs are great for others to see a learn from.

10-04-2012, 11:25 AM
I went to get the discus last night and they acclimated great. Was nervous about them adjusting but i took it slow and dripped them for about an hour. Wasn't worried about ammonia because they were only in the bags for about 1 hour 40min. Time to start the water changes today :).

10-04-2012, 11:26 AM
Just need one more post to post pictures hah.

10-04-2012, 11:32 AM
Dont mind the white spots on the tank they are on the outside and i couldn't even scrape them off with a razer.
And heres the big boy hans must have thrown in a near 4 incher with the shipment. Hes was already establishing his dominance in the acclimation bucket lol...

3 of them are showing their blue already and im sure it will show even more when they get comfortable and start eating regularly. So far about 4 of them have just nipped at the pellets and they just ignored the flakes. Will see how they eat tonight on the beef heart.

10-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Great start Matt! And welcome to the forum. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't learn something new from the awesome folks here on SimplyDiscus! :thumbsup:

BTW, I started with a planted Discus tank just over 2 years ago with a 3D background with EcoComplete substrate and last year converted it to sand and manzanita wood. I LOVE the change! Simplified my life and now it's all about the Discus vs. struggling to have both nice looking plants and healthy Discus. :)

Wishing you continued success with your new pets.

10-10-2012, 02:48 PM
Thanks herbicidal! Yeah i love the planted the tanks, and even though ive had alot of success with 2 other planted tanks, all the pruning and occasional replanting and supplements and bright light really made it impractical for me to go with that. Thats why i went with the alanquers, so i could get the wild look without having to get wilds and to make a natural tank for them with the manzanita.

10-10-2012, 02:49 PM

One thing I like to add is if you could, and have the space for it, age your water. Especially now the cold weather is here..doing a WC from TAP will experience micro bubbles and your discus ain't gonna like it.

Good luck, Hans is good guy to deal with. I met him last week

10-10-2012, 02:52 PM
Yep i have always aged water, especially when i had my malawi cichlid tank because my ph jumps from around 7.8 to 8.3 so i needed the higher ph for the cichlids. I am looking into buying a 100-200 gallon storage tank though eventually so i can do 30% or so a day on the 125 when the discus reach around the 5 inch mark, and not have to refill it every night like i do right now. Im not too concerned about getting all my fish to the monster 6-7 inch mark and if i ever feel like i want a big guy i can always cough up the extra dough for one later on ;).