View Full Version : 75 Gallon Rimless Tank

10-04-2012, 06:14 PM
Hello SimplyDiscus!

I thought I would share my 75 gallon rimless tank build that Ill be setting up in the coming days.

Right now I have 29 gallon planted tank with 3 juvenile discus that are growing like crazy! I needed to get a bigger tank to fit them so I thought why not get the tank I wanted right away and in doing so bought the 75 gallon rimless made by Aquarium Masters at a LFS.

Ill be getting my cannister filter an inline heater through FedEx friday to prepare for a new batch of discus Im set to pick up next Saturday.

Pool filter sand will be my substrate and I collected a bunch of rocks from the American River area to add to the environment.

I was lucky enough to get some Manzanita wood from another Simply member which I feel is really going to make the tank. Big shoutout Herbicidal!

I plan on housing a total of 8 discus in my tank, 20 rummynose tetras and a few plecos/cory's.

I dont have enough posts to post my images but I will soon!!!

- Mark

10-04-2012, 06:39 PM
Just keep posting on this thread until you have enough posts to post pictures.

10-04-2012, 08:36 PM
Heres the Photo Bucket pic for now


Second Hand Pat
10-04-2012, 09:04 PM
Very nice


10-05-2012, 10:22 AM
Hanks Pat for posting this for me! I'll be working on the build this evening!

10-05-2012, 10:28 AM
That's a really nice tank, looks like Jeff Senske's. Hope to see the final stage soon!


10-05-2012, 02:06 PM
Hi Mark, the tank and the Manzanita branches look fantastic. Keep the pics coming. Are you going to cycle your tank before adding the discus?

Second Hand Pat
10-05-2012, 02:10 PM
Hanks Pat for posting this for me! I'll be working on the build this evening!

I only have one thing to say....wilds had better be going in this tank. :D

10-05-2012, 02:24 PM
its already looking really nice ....

10-05-2012, 02:29 PM
I only have one thing to say....wilds had better be going in this tank. :D


10-05-2012, 04:26 PM

LOL! Are you guys going to pay for these wilds for me! I wish I could put them in there! Ill be getting my discus from Kenny next week there will be a couple "domesticated wilds" in the tank.

10-05-2012, 04:27 PM
Hi Mark, the tank and the Manzanita branches look fantastic. Keep the pics coming. Are you going to cycle your tank before adding the discus?

For sure! The cycle begins tonight! Just got my cannister filter, inline heater and some additional food from Fosters and Smiths today at work. Hopefully getting out a bit early to get it going!

10-05-2012, 07:10 PM
I was lucky enough to get some Manzanita wood from another Simply member which I feel is really going to make the tank. Big shoutout Herbicidal!It was great meeting you in person the other night. Glad I could contribute! :thumbsup: Looking forward to seeing the progression of the tank and with it filled with some awesome Discus! :)

10-05-2012, 08:25 PM
Love the wood, it's going to look great.

Floppy Fin's
10-05-2012, 08:33 PM
Nice,,,all around but Discus have been known to jump....Have you considered this??

10-06-2012, 07:55 PM
Really nice tank and wood.

10-08-2012, 01:39 PM
Here is the look of the tank that I began cycling this weekend. I thought that the Manzanita would float as soon as I added the water but thankfully it didnt and I removed all the rocks I had piled up on it. The next step is to look into lighting this bad boy up. Any suggestions?


10-08-2012, 03:07 PM
Is it just the pic or your tank is not level. Please check it you don't want 75g water going everywhere.

For lighting I'll suggest a hanging LEDs. Skip just both some very cheap ones from IKEA, I think $15 a strip. Check it out.

10-08-2012, 03:43 PM
Is it just the pic or your tank is not level. Please check it you don't want 75g water going everywhere.

For lighting I'll suggest a hanging LEDs. Skip just both some very cheap ones from IKEA, I think $15 a strip. Check it out.

Yeah, there is a slight slope. I live in an apartment in an old Victorian home in Midtown Sacramento so things are a little "off", not having any 3 pronged outlets being another issue. Eventually Ill be moving to a new place where this wont be the case.

Ill look into the IKEA lighting. Thanks!!!

a volar
10-08-2012, 06:30 PM
Nice, it's getting shape.......

10-09-2012, 10:13 AM
I thought that the Manzanita would float as soon as I added the water but thankfully it didnt and I removed all the rocks I had piled up on it.Looking good! You'll get alot of tannins releasing for the next month or two, water changes will dissipate the tea color faster (if you care). Wow! I'm really surprised the Manzanita didn't float like a cork! Those branches have been baking in the sun for months now. I guess your water must be heavier than mine. ;)

10-09-2012, 12:14 PM
some thing like this ? if money is not an issue :)


10-10-2012, 03:16 PM
some thing like this ? if money is not an issue :)


Money is always an issue! Those lights are intense....maybe someday. Ill probably go with some LEDs from IKEA like Poco suggested (14.99 for 4; 6 inch strips) and attach them to a hanging light fixture that Ill get from Home Depot. Put black lights in the fixture to replace the flourescents. Alot more work to do. I added several java ferns from my other discus tank to get some more color going. Pictures to follow once I set up the lighting.

I guess your water must be heavier than mine.

Herbicidal, my water is VERY HEAVY in comparison to Roseville's. Added some peat to my filtration to hopefully lower this a little. Thanks to everyone for the input


10-10-2012, 04:25 PM
LEDs from IKEA like Poco suggested (14.99 for 4; 6 inch strips)

Update there are 3; 6" strips per package for $14.99 at Ikea.

10-10-2012, 04:37 PM
Yeah, there is a slight slope. I live in an apartment in an old Victorian home in Midtown Sacramento so things are a little "off", not having any 3 pronged outlets being another issue. Eventually Ill be moving to a new place where this wont be the case.

Ill look into the IKEA lighting. Thanks!!!

You can add a 1inch styrofoam (or thicker if you can fit it) under the tank it will help level some what. the way it is right now you are putting more pressure on the front pane. As you dont have any fish it wont be that difficult to do.

10-12-2012, 05:27 AM
Wow, nice piece of wood and set up.... can't wait to see discus in there!

10-15-2012, 06:44 PM
Update 10/12: Here is the picture of my tank with out the discus. I used a shop light to house 14 LED strips by attaching them with double sided velcro tape. I used 2 black florescent lights in the light fixture and added the LEDs in the sides and middle. I ended up saving a ton of money doing it this way.


Update 10/14: I did a field trip down to Daly City to visit Kenny Cheung and purchased 5 discus from him. Shooting Star, Golden Crystal, Cherckerboard Pigeon, Forrest Giant Blue and my favorite Alenquer X. Here is a pic of them a couple hours after them being in the tank. Kenny was great and it was amazing to see all the different discus ready to be sent out, people are getting some amazing fish!!! I also Added 4 Julii Cory Cats to the tank. Ill add my other 3 discus from Hans to the tank in a few days along with some rummynose and rainbow threadfins I have quarantined....more to come


10-15-2012, 10:50 PM
I LIKE it! Coming along quite nicely. Very creative on the lighting. Of course the Discus are gorgeous too! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup: Hard to buy only 5 Discus from Kenny, huh? ;)

10-16-2012, 12:12 PM
Sweet setup! Can't wait to see those babies grow!

10-16-2012, 12:35 PM
I LIKE it! Coming along quite nicely. Very creative on the lighting. Of course the Discus are gorgeous too! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup: Hard to buy only 5 Discus from Kenny, huh? ;)

Thanks Herb! Kenny told me you picked up an Alenquar X too among others! Are you going to put them in your 180?

Sweet setup! Can't wait to see those babies grow!

Mermal! Thanks for the lookout on Sunday! How are your 6 doing? When I'm home for Thanksgiving lets get you a bigger tank!!!!!

10-16-2012, 01:59 PM
sweet .... I am tempted to pickup a few LED strips myself after looking at yours......

10-16-2012, 02:00 PM
Yup, I sure did! The Alenquer X is pretty cool. The other two are a White Angle and a Red Turquoise, both smaller than the Alenquer X. And yes, they will eventually go in my main display tank. Right now they are in Q/T in a 30 gallon, bare bottom tank. I'm doing 80% daily water changes and feeding them about 4-5x a day. I use an auto-feeder for when I'm at work. Want to put some meat on their bones before going over to the big boy/girl tank. :)

10-16-2012, 05:15 PM
Sweet, I want to see how the white angel will look fully grown. What type of foods are you using in the autofeeder? My Discus arent eating flakes or pellets, only frozen beefheart, fdbw, and frozen blood worms.

10-16-2012, 06:13 PM
That may take a little while! Haha! As a test, I only put in the freeze dried black worms. Shredded up the cube by hand and loosely filled 3 compartments. I will be adding some other dried foods too (small pellets and flakes, beef heart most likely). But, I want to make sure they are eating them first before adding to the auto feeder.

10-19-2012, 02:35 PM
Update: here is the pic of the tank with the discus, rummys, corys and threadfin rainbows. Ill transfer over the 3 other discus, cardinal tetras and pearl gouramis from my 29 gallon over the weekend. Added 4 baby amazon swords to the tank that sprouted up from my 29 gallon.


11-14-2012, 03:15 PM
Here are some udpated pics! Thanks again to everybody for the input! Ill be getting several Blue LEDs to attach to my homemade lighting system in a few weeks.







11-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Looking really good - love the lighting set up!

What is the 1st fish pictured (threadfin?), it is gorgeous :)

Rimless ranks are beautiful, but I cringe at the thought, meaning no disrespect.....I'd worry to death about jumpers, & water all over the floor LOL (my fish are aggressive/splashy feeders).

11-14-2012, 03:59 PM
Looks like a pearl gourami. A good tankmate.

I live in Eastbourne - the sunniest place in Britain. That isn't really saying much...
twitter @pevenseytom

11-14-2012, 05:10 PM
What is the 1st fish pictured (threadfin?), it is gorgeous :)

Rimless ranks are beautiful, but I cringe at the thought, meaning no disrespect.....I'd worry to death about jumpers, & water all over the floor LOL (my fish are aggressive/splashy feeders).

Your right Damba it is a Pearl Gourami. I have 2 of them in the tank. Luckily I havent had to many issues although I did have the Forrest Giant Blue jump out of the tank the first week, I was right there to see it happen so he was fine. It was because my water level was too high, after that I usually keep the water level about an inch and half to two inches from the top of the tank no issues since.

11-14-2012, 11:59 PM
Looking good! Everyone eating OK? All settled in?

11-15-2012, 02:20 AM
Looking good! Everyone eating OK? All settled in?

Hey Herb! Everyone has been eating well other then silver pigeon who I haven't seen eat in many weeks. I've been keeping up with the water changes. How's your group doing?

11-15-2012, 12:09 PM
Glad to hear they are doing well other than that one fish. Shoot.

Mine are doing fine as well. 80% water changes every night, they appear to be growing very well. The Alenquer X really is big enough to go to the main tank. The Red Turq is a real pig and appears to be growing the fastest. Yeah, go figure. :p The White Angle is not growing as fast, perhaps related to the strain? But it is growing bigger. That one eats like a pig too.

Looking forward to moving them to the main tank but for the smaller two, it will still be awhile.

11-15-2012, 02:39 PM
Good to hear Herb! My alenquer changes colors constantly and is the boss of the tank at the moment. Heres a pic of the enitre tank. I have some lillypad bulbs just sprouting to hopefully add some shading.


11-16-2012, 12:40 AM
Love the full tank shot! Looks very pleasing to the eye. Good job!

11-16-2012, 09:38 AM
That's nice..

11-16-2012, 09:42 AM
really beautiful :)

Your right Damba it is a Pearl Gourami. I have 2 of them in the tank. Luckily I havent had to many issues although I did have the Forrest Giant Blue jump out of the tank the first week, I was right there to see it happen so he was fine. It was because my water level was too high, after that I usually keep the water level about an inch and half to two inches from the top of the tank no issues since.well, obviously I'm not familiar with Gouramis LOL. very nice fish.
good luck with your group.....makes sense that water level plays a big part in 'jumping'.

11-16-2012, 02:12 PM
Hey Herb! Everyone has been eating well other then silver pigeon who I haven't seen eat in many weeks. I've been keeping up with the water changes. How's your group doing?

As an update last night after writing this the silver pigeon blood was eating up all the blood worms I was feeding the group. I honestly had not seen it eat in months, just goes to show you what happens when you keep up with water changes. Discus can be pretty hardy!

01-08-2013, 04:37 PM
Hi Mark! Any updates? I hope all is well. :)

01-10-2013, 03:27 PM
Hey, I love your tank, could you update please.

01-10-2013, 06:34 PM
Hi Mark! Any updates? I hope all is well. :)

Hey Herb! Sorry its been a several weeks since I have had updates. So, being that this is my first discus tank there have been some ups and downs. I lost three discus since I started in September. The alenquer jumped out of the tank on a full moon over month ago (added a terrarium lid to the top of the tank to stop this) and I lost my silver pigeon and golden crystal, they never really ate much. I have 3 discus fish thriving and 2 that haven't eaten in a few weeks. All my other fish - rummies, cardinals, pearl gouramis, and GB rams have been thriving and getting huge. I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong, constantly doing water changes. I think a lot of it has to do with the hardness of the water in Midtown Sacramento. I have been treating with Prazi Pro for the last week to hopefully encourage the other 2 who arent eating to pick it up. I am actually getting 2 fish from Kenny next week, which i wont be putting in the main tank and using my 29 gallon for a quarantine for a few months before introducing them. Overall its been great, i have really been enjoying it and people have really liked the setup. I'm sure your guys are doing great! Any suggestions on how to get the other two back to health is appreciated!

Hey, I love your tank, could you update please.

Thanks! Here are some updated photos to hold you over! I have been going nuts on instagram; username: SharkMark15.






01-10-2013, 08:09 PM
Hi Mark!

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Discus are unlike any other freshwater fish I've ever owned! Sometimes very frustrating for sure. I'm picking up two more (at least) Discus from Kenny on Saturday - a Malboro Red and a Albino Leopard Snakeskin. From my Kenny's batch back in October, I've grown out two that were large enough to transfer to my main tank: the Alenquer X and the Red Turquoise which are holding their own, pushing and shoving for food with the big guys! The White Angel is growing at a slower rate and is still in QT/grow out tank. Now that the other two are gone from the grow out tank, the White Angel is more timid. I am hopeful that with the addition of these two it will help perk that one back up. I know they do better in groups, but he is just not big enough in my opinion to go to my main tank. I'll keep the new guys in QT for a couple of months or until they are large enough to move to my main tank.

So my suggestion for you, would be to move the two who aren't eating into the 29 along with the new ones you get from Kenny and bump up the temp in that tank to 86 degrees or so (I can't recall if your 29 is bare bottom, if not, I would suggest making it that way). Then stop treating your main tank. I know folks may not agree with me on moving the two that aren't eating back to the tank with the new fish from Kenny, but I think that is where they all belong for an extended QT/grow out. Plus it will be easier and more cost effective to treat (if you need to) the 29 vs the 75. With the 29, focus on water quality, i.e daily water changes which is what I've been doing since October on my QT/grow out tank. I think I've only missed like 5 days in the last 3 months due to being on vacation. AND concentrate on feeding! You want to keep their bellies full! I have an auto-feeder set up on my QT/grow out tank that drops in freeze dried black worms twice a day while I'm at work. I of course feed them in the morning before I go to work (sometimes twice) and at least twice again in the evening. I'm using freeze dried black worms, frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp and frozen beef heart (cubes) that I thaw first and break apart with a fork. I do my daily water changes on that tank in the evening before I go to bed. It's bare bottom and I wipe down all the inside surfaces including the bottom with a paper towel about every 3rd day. Oh, I do the water changes with Aqueon's version of the Python water changer. I have the heater laying horizontal about 3 inches from the bottom of the tank. When the water level is about two inches above the heater I start adjusting the water faucet until the temp matches the tank, then I flip the lever and fill the tank back up. Again, about every third day, I pull the filter sponge from the HOB filter and rinse it using the water coming from the aquarium during draining. Bare bottom also makes it easier to see their poop and determine if they are healthy.

I've got this routine down to a science and so far it's working out well for me. Good luck with the new guys and with the other two. Hopefully they will come 'round soon!

07-09-2014, 02:33 PM
Its been a while since I posted about my tank so i thought I would give an update. Over the last year I have had quite a few experiences with this tank. I lost a few discus along the way, but now things have been going really well. I removed all plants from the tank to make it a little easier to maintain and moved them to my 29 gallon angelfish tank. Here is the updated shot of the tank and I hope to get one more +5" discus from Kenny this month as these guys are huge! The Giant Eruption Leopard has to be pushing at least 8"

http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/markg1515/TankPic_zpsba1c8194.jpg (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/markg1515/media/TankPic_zpsba1c8194.jpg.html)

http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/markg1515/BlackLight_zpsa555e0c8.jpg (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/markg1515/media/BlackLight_zpsa555e0c8.jpg.html)

http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/markg1515/photo_zps8ad50717.jpg (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/markg1515/media/photo_zps8ad50717.jpg.html)

Blue Faced Brown(Red) that I picked out from Kenny's Garage.

http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/markg1515/BFR_zps0a5ed1a3.jpg (http://s44.photobucket.com/user/markg1515/media/BFR_zps0a5ed1a3.jpg.html)

07-09-2014, 11:46 PM
Hey Mark, good to see you back. Your Discus look great! Kenny's the Man!

07-15-2014, 07:00 PM

07-15-2014, 07:36 PM
Hey Mark, good to see you back. Your Discus look great! Kenny's the Man!

Thanks Herb! The tank looks great thanks to your generosity!


Thank you kennykien2007