View Full Version : DSLR Camera Recommendation

Second Hand Pat
10-05-2012, 08:52 PM
Hey guys, looking for recommendation on a DSLR camera. Thinking a nice general purpose camera that can take good pictures and video clips and perhaps handle low light situations. Being able to switch lens would be a bonus.

10-05-2012, 09:04 PM
Canon 60D good mid level DSLR.

10-05-2012, 11:25 PM
I have a canon 7D love it but may be more than you looking for. The best tip for u is to buy basic body with picture and video and spend the most on a good lens. The lens or lenses will be based on your main focus in picture taking is. Good low light lens will have a low f stop (less than 4). This will allow more light to come in. As far as camera comparison i recommend www.imaging-resource.com. Photography is a hobby of mine and my husband works for a studio. I bought a nice camera and nice lens...they use cheap fuji cameras with awesome lenses and get better shots. Its really all in the proper lens.

10-05-2012, 11:54 PM
Great how to site:
Here is one i took with an older camera a couple yrs ago using this technique:

10-06-2012, 07:52 AM
Hi Pat,

I personally have the Nikon D3100 with some extra lens I purchased. It has been a good camera and video all in one. The nice thing it takes HD video. Get yourself a 32 gig card and you are all set. If you are going to take up close photos, you might want to look into a nice Macro lens; I am looking for one myself.

Maybe some of the camera buffs can recommend one for us all.

Good luck.

10-06-2012, 12:50 PM
I have a Nikon d3100 as well and love it but its my first attempt at dslr also. I want to upgrade the lens but if you don't have a dslr already will be blown away by the photo quality.

10-06-2012, 12:59 PM
Nikon makes good gear. When I was a photography student, this was the brand to have. It was the only camera at the time that what you saw in the lens was what was captured on film. They are built tough and often the camera used by combat photographers. I have owned two Nikon film cameras and if I would go digital, that's what I'd get. I believe all my lenses will fit on the digital.

Second Hand Pat
10-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Thanks guys, appreciate all the suggestions. Sort of leaning towards the Nikon D7000 ATM based on reviews. Suggestions on a lens since this is a body only camera?

10-06-2012, 02:28 PM
Thanks guys, appreciate all the suggestions. Sort of leaning towards the Nikon D7000 ATM based on reviews. Suggestions on a lens since this is a body only camera?

That's seems to be one of the best quality DSLR for the money right now. Ken Rockwell really likes it.


He also gives good advice on what lenses to buy. You might want to go to a store and feel how the camera fits in your hands before buying it. I'm waiting for the d7000 successor to come out from Nikon. But that probably won't happen until next spring. Then I'll probably choose between buying that or the d7000.

10-06-2012, 05:38 PM
A few things to consider when you look at them provided it has the technical features you want:

- How does the weight and size feel to you when you hold it? It should be comfortable.
- Can you easily read the display in both internal/external light (this will make a difference as your eyes age!)
- Does the user interface make sense to you when you use it?

Also - I agree about the recommendation of having both digital picture and video capability. Really nice option. Wish my camera had it.

I think both Nikon and Canon make nice cameras. I have Nikon but know pro photographers who have Canons too. Good luck with your purchase.

10-07-2012, 10:33 PM
I use a Nikon D7000. I love it. I learned after buying the camera though that you should spend more money on the lenses than the camera body. A good lens makes a world of a difference. The fast, low light ones can cost a pretty penny.

Second Hand Pat
10-07-2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks guys, I ordered the D7000 today :). Still thinking about the lens.

Terps, those links were very helpful. Thanks man.

Considering this lens as my first.


10-07-2012, 10:46 PM
Congrats on the D7000...I just recently purchased a flash for it sb 700. I have that 1.8 35mm. It was my first lens purchase too. Very good and very affordable. Good for portraits. Hope you read up all about Fx and dx lenses and cropping factors.

10-07-2012, 11:30 PM
Thanks guys, I ordered the D7000 today :). Still thinking about the lens.

Terps, those links were very helpful. Thanks man.

Considering this lens as my first.

that will be a great lens for indoor portraits...a 55mm fixed would be better for tank shots and also good for portrait...55mm is what the human eye sees. if u want a good all around lens then i wouldnt get a fixed lens or get an additional lens with a range.

10-08-2012, 02:04 AM
Congrats Pat. I can't speak much for Nikon as I've only ever used Canon but I know they are no slouches with cameras. That lens should work well, plenty of time to practice and upgrade later down the road. Looking forward to seeing some of the pictures you turn out with this.

10-08-2012, 03:46 AM
mmm Nikon D7000 eh? - can't go too far wrong ime :) I have one and very nice it is too. The 35mm f1.8 lens is one of the best lenses for the money you will ever buy and is a must have for all Nikon DX owners imo. As for other lenses it will depend on what you are wanting to do now and in the future, I have had the opportunity to at least try many of the Nikon lenses (and own a few too) so if I can help, let me know.

Second Hand Pat
10-08-2012, 09:42 AM
Thanks Paul, nice having your concurrence. Do you think the 35mm f1.8 lens is suitable for taking aquarium photos?

10-08-2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks Paul, nice having your concurrence. Do you think the 35mm f1.8 lens is suitable for taking aquarium photos?
What do you think?

The below was taken about 15 mins ago, converted from raw format, resized and minor sharpening (standard practice when converting from raw and changing image size - not cheating ;)) The lighting over the tank is just two T8 florry tubes at around 38W each and the tank is around a 100 US gallon tank and the water is tanin coloured too! There is also patio doors opposite the tank and it is daylight here just now so not the greatest lighting conditions ....

This is a 100% crop (i.e. pixel level) ...

The lens used was the Nikon AF-S 35mm f1.8 DX and it was @ f2.8, 1/125sec and iso was 4,000 - this shows how good the D7000 is in low light, particularly for a crop camera! Yes there is some noise @ 100% but down sampled it is hard to spot. Extremely impressive imo.

Second Hand Pat
10-08-2012, 12:04 PM
Oh wow Paul. I'm sold :). Did you set the camera up manually? and what app did you use for resizing etc.

Gorgous fish..drooling over

10-08-2012, 12:21 PM
My friend recommanded me this camera Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-Rx100. has any one used it and what do you think? I m not good at this.


10-08-2012, 12:23 PM
Oh wow Paul. I'm sold :). I have recommended this lens to a number of my friends they can't believe the quality of the images for a lens that costs around £150 :)

Did you set the camera up manually? It is setup to use autofocus and to record in what is called raw format (.nef files for Nikon) ... no in camera tweaks are used. This does mean using a converter and the basic free one from Nikon works fine, although I use DxO usually.

and what app did you use for resizing etc.I use photoshop at the moment but plan on getting lightroom soon as it should simplify my workflow ...

Gorgous fish..drooling overThanks - I like 'em :)

10-08-2012, 12:28 PM
My friend recommanded me this camera Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-Rx100. has any one used it and what do you think? I m not good at this.

http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sony-cybershot-dsc-rx100I have not used it, but with a carl zeis lens on the front it won't be bad! It will not have the low light performance of a DSLR though.

10-08-2012, 12:29 PM
I should have added that I did not use flash or any other additional lighting in the pic above...

Second Hand Pat
10-08-2012, 12:59 PM
Thanks Paul for the info. I'm sure once I have the camera in hand there will be more questions but should be lots more pictures. :o

10-08-2012, 01:02 PM
I have not used it, but with a carl zeis lens on the front it won't be bad! It will not have the low light performance of a DSLR though.

I am very bad at camera, usually i just put it in auto focus and press the button hahaha. so you have any recommand any small pocket convenience camera?

thank you Paul

10-08-2012, 01:08 PM
With the camera you are getting and lens, will you also need a speedlight to help keep the reflection directly off the glass?


10-08-2012, 01:10 PM
Thanks Paul for the info. I'm sure once I have the camera in hand there will be more questions but should be lots more pictures. :oWelcome :)

I am very bad at camera, usually i just put it in auto focus and press the button hahaha. so you have any recommand any small pocket convenience camera?

thank you PaulFor a pocket camera the Sony you mentioned should be very good, as I said the lens on it will be very good!

10-09-2012, 08:27 PM
Pentax for me....always has been and probably always will be.:)

My only advice is this... regurgitated from more pros than I can remember... It all comes down to the glass....not the camera. Get the best lens you can buy.... you'll never regret that.. Its often whats more important than the model camera. The other thing that is key...take the time to learn how lighting works and how basic 35 mm SLRS work....I realize in today's digital camera age, using print film is becoming more and more obsolete... but the principles that are taught in those old books will make anyone a better photographer...and they are dirt cheap. Time well invested if you pick up a few.


10-09-2012, 08:31 PM
Pentax for me....always has been and probably always will be.:)

My only advice is this... regurgitated from more pros than I can remember... It all comes down to the glass....not the camera. Get the best lens you can buy.... you'll never regret that.. Its often whats more important than the model camera. The other thing that is key...take the time to learn how lighting works and how basic 35 mm SLRS work....I realize in today's digital camera age, using print film is becoming more and more obsolete... but the principles that are taught in those old books will make anyone a better photographer...and they are dirt cheap. Time well invested if you pick up a few.


10-09-2012, 08:41 PM
Pentax for me....always has been and probably always will be.:)

My only advice is this... regurgitated from more pros than I can remember... It all comes down to the glass....not the camera. Get the best lens you can buy.... you'll never regret that.. Its often whats more important than the model camera. The other thing that is key...take the time to learn how lighting works and how basic 35 mm SLRS work....I realize in today's digital camera age, using print film is becoming more and more obsolete... but the principles that are taught in those old books will make anyone a better photographer...and they are dirt cheap. Time well invested if you pick up a few.


Great to know Al. I've been debating on jumping on the DSLR bandwagon myself and I have always wondered what the hell all those different buttons were for. LOL I've been a point and shoot guy forever.

Second Hand Pat
10-09-2012, 08:48 PM
Pentax for me....always has been and probably always will be.:)

My only advice is this... regurgitated from more pros than I can remember... It all comes down to the glass....not the camera. Get the best lens you can buy.... you'll never regret that.. Its often whats more important than the model camera. The other thing that is key...take the time to learn how lighting works and how basic 35 mm SLRS work....I realize in today's digital camera age, using print film is becoming more and more obsolete... but the principles that are taught in those old books will make anyone a better photographer...and they are dirt cheap. Time well invested if you pick up a few.


Thanks Al, have just the source for some of those books :D

Second Hand Pat
10-17-2012, 01:12 PM
The camera arrives today. The lens came this past Monday. Guess you know what I will be doing tonight...charging the battery :o

10-17-2012, 01:48 PM
The camera arrives today. The lens came this past Monday. Guess you know what I will be doing tonight...charging the battery :o

Can't wait to see the pictures! :)

10-17-2012, 01:54 PM
Lots of pictures Pat.

And keep it clean, Lol (no dirty tanks I mean)

Oh, what lens did you decide on?

Second Hand Pat
10-17-2012, 02:07 PM
Can't wait to see the pictures! :)

Me too Eddie. Hope the camera comes with a cable to download pictures to the computer :p

Lots of pictures Pat.

And keep it clean, Lol (no dirty tanks I mean)

Oh, what lens did you decide on?

Of course Jeff :o...went with Paul's suggestion that the 35mm f1.8 lens is a must have, plus it is recommended for low light situations. I do not have a flash for this camera yet.

10-17-2012, 02:25 PM
That will be the lens I order as well. I will also order a speedlight that I can adjust the angle on and keep the flash off the glass.

Good luck!

10-17-2012, 02:44 PM
Me too Eddie. Hope the camera comes with a cable to download pictures to the computer :pyep, it does as long as it is not a grey import :)

Of course Jeff :o...went with Paul's suggestion that the 35mm f1.8 lens is a must have, plus it is recommended for low light situations. I do not have a flash for this camera yet.There is a very usable flash on the camera ;)

Second Hand Pat
10-17-2012, 02:47 PM
yep, it does as long as it is not a grey import :)

There is a very usable flash on the camera ;)

Awesome Paul, that means once I have a charged battery I am ready to go :D:D...except for the learning curve :book:

10-17-2012, 02:52 PM
......except for the learning curve :book:can be a little steep too - but worth it. What has stood me in good stead is to get to grips with one aspect at a time and don't try and learn it all at once! Auto mode works ok (haven't used it myself but others have) - Always worth controlling at least one thing, I usually shoot in Aperture mode. Above all else have fun!!

Second Hand Pat
10-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Thanks Paul, I will start in auto mode and go from there :D