I want to create a new post can someone show me how
Re Need: help posting threads
Re: Re Need: help posting threads
Hi Kuhli, you were successful to create a thread here and your first post. If you wish to create a thread/post elsewhere on the forum I suggest you click on Forum which is under the SimplyDiscus title near the top left-hand side of your browser window. Look thru the titles of the subforums (listed on the left-hand side) of the window. Let's say you would to introduce yourself. Find the subforum titled New Member Welcome Centre Click on the title and you will see Post New Thread. Click on that button and you will be able to enter a new title to your thread and a box to enter what you would like to create as your first post. When you are done with your post you will see Submit New Thread. Click on that and your new thread is created.
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