FAQ … Getting Help on SimplyDiscus and Board Owners Message to all Members

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  • brewmaster15
    • Apr 2002
    • 28954
    • Northford,CT,USA

    FAQ … Getting Help on SimplyDiscus and Board Owners Message to all Members

    FAQ … Getting Help on SimplyDiscus and Board Owners Message to all Members

    This forum is owned by Al Sabetta, as part of SimplyDiscus LLC. It is a free to use web forum for non-commercial use by registered members interested in the Hobby of keeping Discus and other tropical fish. Commercial use is prohibited unless approved by the owner. This is without exception. All matters regarding this forum are under the direction and discretion of its owner. The daily operation of this forum is managed by SuperModerators and Administrators that volunteer their time to help the forum run smoothly and according to the intentions of the Forum's owner. It is our hope that you will enjoy a community atmosphere here where knowledge is openly shared and differing views are respectfully discussed and debated. Internet Trolls,aggressive behavior, vulgarity, and inflammatory dialogue is not welcome on this forum. While I understand that there are times when people will argue, civility is to be the rule here. AT ALL TIMES, Members must respect and adhere to any intervention or direction by Forum Management.

    If you require assistance in the day to day operations of the forum, please contact any Super Moderator listed here...
    Second Hand Pat
    Chad Hughes

    Additionally Administrators for the forum are...

    You may also use the report post feature of the forum to send a global message to all Moderators and Admins if a post or thread requires attention. This link explains this feature...http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...us-to-help-you

    If you wish to inquire about sponsorship and commercial use of the forum, Please email Al Sabetta at brewmaster15@comcast.net . You should also contact Al Sabetta with any complaints regarding the Forum Adminstration or Staff or Sponsors. Include your full name and a telephone number where you can be reached. No response will given to an anonymous inquiry or complaint. I will reply to inquiries as soon as I can.

    Please understand that though I provide this forum to you for free to use, I have other obligations outside of it. I may not be able to return inquiries immediately, though I will try.

    Thank you,
    Al Sabetta
    SimplyDiscus LLC
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

    we need help..



    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images