Stendker Brilliant Turquoise Pair's first spawn

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  • Apistomaster
    Registered Member
    • May 2006
    • 2425
    • Clarkston, Washington

    Stendker Brilliant Turquoise Pair's first spawn

    Three weeks ago I bough nominal 3 inch Stendjker turquise Discus and 2weeks later a pair formed and spawned. Their actual size is only ~3-3/8 inch diameter. this is the smallest sized discus I have ever had breed for me. The follow photos document the last 24 hours beginning with a close up of the eggs at 48 hours then ending with the parents guarding the fry after they had transferred them to an Anubias leaf.
    1. 48 hour old eggs on petrified wood spawning site.

    2. Pair guarding eggs.

    3.Pair guarding eggs.

    4. The male.

    5.Female guarding larvae.

    6. Female guarding larvae.
    Larry Waybright