I noticed there was not a good list of abbreviations any where on the site. There's one on the main site, but it's short. I also did a search but nothing really comprehensive.
I know it took me quite a while to learn most of the abbreviations and I'm still learning. This isn't meant to be all inclusive but it's a good start. It also doesn't include a lot of common aquarium abbreviations if they're not very applicable to Discus. I broadened it a little to other aquarium topics but not so far as to include some that deal with other types of fish (some of them speak completely different acronym languages).
I'm sure people will suggest others and I'm sure I'll wish I had included some that I didn't put as soon as I hit 'submit'.
Anyway, HTH!
BD - Blue Diamond
BP - Blue Panda
BSS - Blue Snakeskin
BT - Blue Turk
CRS - Crystal Red Shrimp
Cory - Corydoras
GBR - German Blue Ram
MTS - Malaysian Trumpet Snail
OG - Ocean Green
Oto - Otocinclus
PB - Pigeon Blood
PE - Penang Eruption
Pleco - Plecostomus
RCS - Red Cherry Shrimp
RD - Red Diamond
RP - Red Panda
RSG - Red Spotted Green
RSS - Red Snakeskin
RT - Red Turk
SS - Snakeskin
VR - Violet Reflection or Virgin Red
WD - White Diamond
Brand Names
AC - Aquaclear
API - Aquarium Pharmaceutricals Inc
IO - Instant Ocean
ON - Ocean Nutrition
TFH - Tropical Fish Hobbyist (magazine, publisher)
AC - Activated Carbon
BB - Bare bottom
BBA - Black Brush Algae
CFL - Compact Flourescent
Dechlor - Dechlorinator or Dechlorinate
DI - De-ionized water
DIY - Do it yourself
F0 - Wild/Original
F1 - First Generation Cross
F2 - Second Generation
FS - For Sale
FW - Freshwater
GAC - Granular Activated Carbon
GAL - Gallon
GFI/GFCI - Ground Fault Interrupt/Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt
GH - General Hardness
GPH - Gallons per hour
HO - High Output
HOB - Hang-on back (usu. refer to filter)
KH - Carbonate Hardness
LED - Light-Emitting Diode
LFS - Local Fish Store
LHS - Local Hardware Store
LPS - Local Pet Store
Metro - Metronidazole
NADA - North American Discus Association
NIB - New in Box
pH - Used to measure acidity/alkalinity of a solution
PH - Powerhead, water pump
PM - Private Message (usually means in current forum)
PPM - Parts per million
Prazi - Praziquantel
Prime - Seachem Prime (sometimes generically as dechlorinator)
PU - Pick up
PVC: Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
PWC: Partial water change
QT - Quarantine
RFUG - Reverse Flow Undergravel Filter
RO - Reverse Osmosis
Safe - Seachem Safe (sometimes generically as dechlorinator)
SD - Simply Discus
SW - Salt Water
T5 - Type of fluorescent light bulb. New in aquarium hobby, high lumen output, energy efficient.
T5, T8, T12 - Type of fluorescent light bulb
TDS - Total dissolved solids
UG or UGF - Undergravel filter
UGJ - Undergravel Jet
UV - Ultraviolet
VHO - Very high output fluorescent light
WC - Water Change
WPG - Watts per gallon
WTB - Want to buy
WTS - Want to sell
BBS - Baby Brine Shrimp
BH - Beef heart
BS - Brine Shrimp
BW - Blackworm or Bloodworm
CBW - California Blackworms
FBS - Frozen Brine Shrimp
FBW - Frozen Bloodworm
FDBdW - Freeze-dried blood worms
FDBkW -Freeze-dried black worms
FDBS - Freeze-dried brine shrimp
FDBW - Freeze-dried blood worms or Freeze dried black worm
FMS - Frozen Mysis Shrimp
SF - Seafood
Chemicals (Common to Aquaria)
Ca - Calcium
CaCl - Calcium Chloride
Cl - Chlorine
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
CO3 - Carbonate
Cu - Copper
CuC - Clean-up Crew
Fe - Iron
H20 - Water
H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide
I - Iodine
K - Potassium
KCl - Potassium Chloride
KI - Potassium Iodide
Mg - Magnesium
Na - Sodium
NaCl - Sodium Chloride, salt
NaCO3 - Sodium carbonate
NaOH - Sodium hydroxide
NH3 - Ammonia
NH4 - Ammonium
NO - Normal output fluorescent light
NO2 - Nitrite
NO3 - Nitrate
O2 - Oxygen
O3 - Ozone
P - Potassium Permanganate
P04 - Phosphate
Ti - Titanium
Hex - Hexamita
HITH- Hole in the Head
ICH/ICK- Ichthyophthirius multifilis
I know it took me quite a while to learn most of the abbreviations and I'm still learning. This isn't meant to be all inclusive but it's a good start. It also doesn't include a lot of common aquarium abbreviations if they're not very applicable to Discus. I broadened it a little to other aquarium topics but not so far as to include some that deal with other types of fish (some of them speak completely different acronym languages).
I'm sure people will suggest others and I'm sure I'll wish I had included some that I didn't put as soon as I hit 'submit'.
Anyway, HTH!
BD - Blue Diamond
BP - Blue Panda
BSS - Blue Snakeskin
BT - Blue Turk
CRS - Crystal Red Shrimp
Cory - Corydoras
GBR - German Blue Ram
MTS - Malaysian Trumpet Snail
OG - Ocean Green
Oto - Otocinclus
PB - Pigeon Blood
PE - Penang Eruption
Pleco - Plecostomus
RCS - Red Cherry Shrimp
RD - Red Diamond
RP - Red Panda
RSG - Red Spotted Green
RSS - Red Snakeskin
RT - Red Turk
SS - Snakeskin
VR - Violet Reflection or Virgin Red
WD - White Diamond
Brand Names
AC - Aquaclear
API - Aquarium Pharmaceutricals Inc
IO - Instant Ocean
ON - Ocean Nutrition
TFH - Tropical Fish Hobbyist (magazine, publisher)
AC - Activated Carbon
BB - Bare bottom
BBA - Black Brush Algae
CFL - Compact Flourescent
Dechlor - Dechlorinator or Dechlorinate
DI - De-ionized water
DIY - Do it yourself
F0 - Wild/Original
F1 - First Generation Cross
F2 - Second Generation
FS - For Sale
FW - Freshwater
GAC - Granular Activated Carbon
GAL - Gallon
GFI/GFCI - Ground Fault Interrupt/Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt
GH - General Hardness
GPH - Gallons per hour
HO - High Output
HOB - Hang-on back (usu. refer to filter)
KH - Carbonate Hardness
LED - Light-Emitting Diode
LFS - Local Fish Store
LHS - Local Hardware Store
LPS - Local Pet Store
Metro - Metronidazole
NADA - North American Discus Association
NIB - New in Box
pH - Used to measure acidity/alkalinity of a solution
PH - Powerhead, water pump
PM - Private Message (usually means in current forum)
PPM - Parts per million
Prazi - Praziquantel
Prime - Seachem Prime (sometimes generically as dechlorinator)
PU - Pick up
PVC: Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping / plumbing
PWC: Partial water change
QT - Quarantine
RFUG - Reverse Flow Undergravel Filter
RO - Reverse Osmosis
Safe - Seachem Safe (sometimes generically as dechlorinator)
SD - Simply Discus
SW - Salt Water
T5 - Type of fluorescent light bulb. New in aquarium hobby, high lumen output, energy efficient.
T5, T8, T12 - Type of fluorescent light bulb
TDS - Total dissolved solids
UG or UGF - Undergravel filter
UGJ - Undergravel Jet
UV - Ultraviolet
VHO - Very high output fluorescent light
WC - Water Change
WPG - Watts per gallon
WTB - Want to buy
WTS - Want to sell
BBS - Baby Brine Shrimp
BH - Beef heart
BS - Brine Shrimp
BW - Blackworm or Bloodworm
CBW - California Blackworms
FBS - Frozen Brine Shrimp
FBW - Frozen Bloodworm
FDBdW - Freeze-dried blood worms
FDBkW -Freeze-dried black worms
FDBS - Freeze-dried brine shrimp
FDBW - Freeze-dried blood worms or Freeze dried black worm
FMS - Frozen Mysis Shrimp
SF - Seafood
Chemicals (Common to Aquaria)
Ca - Calcium
CaCl - Calcium Chloride
Cl - Chlorine
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
CO3 - Carbonate
Cu - Copper
CuC - Clean-up Crew
Fe - Iron
H20 - Water
H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide
I - Iodine
K - Potassium
KCl - Potassium Chloride
KI - Potassium Iodide
Mg - Magnesium
Na - Sodium
NaCl - Sodium Chloride, salt
NaCO3 - Sodium carbonate
NaOH - Sodium hydroxide
NH3 - Ammonia
NH4 - Ammonium
NO - Normal output fluorescent light
NO2 - Nitrite
NO3 - Nitrate
O2 - Oxygen
O3 - Ozone
P - Potassium Permanganate
P04 - Phosphate
Ti - Titanium
Hex - Hexamita
HITH- Hole in the Head
ICH/ICK- Ichthyophthirius multifilis