Hi all,
I had a casualty yesterday in one of my tanks. One of my snakeskins managed to get wedged under a heater and must have panicked and really got stuck. I found it like that in the am so I have no idea how long it was there. Long enough to really get a serious burn. I am actually amazed its alive. I'm going to to try and use this as a learning tool and document it here. Sometimes these burns heal no problem on their own. This isn't going to be one of them. The Tissue is very burned and an infection has set in. I have moved the fish to a hospital tank and will be using Oxytetracycline on it. Its not my first choice but Its what I have and should work.
I have no idea if this fish will live of not. Its going to be a hard fix. If I see it suffering or declining in health I will euthanize it. But I hope to document its recovery here. I would be surprised if it didn't have a scar but Discus have surprised me before in their healing abilities. I did not think about doing this yesterday so we have to start on Day 2. Which is the first dose of antibiotics.
Day 2..
2018-11-18 13.31.16.jpg
I had a casualty yesterday in one of my tanks. One of my snakeskins managed to get wedged under a heater and must have panicked and really got stuck. I found it like that in the am so I have no idea how long it was there. Long enough to really get a serious burn. I am actually amazed its alive. I'm going to to try and use this as a learning tool and document it here. Sometimes these burns heal no problem on their own. This isn't going to be one of them. The Tissue is very burned and an infection has set in. I have moved the fish to a hospital tank and will be using Oxytetracycline on it. Its not my first choice but Its what I have and should work.
I have no idea if this fish will live of not. Its going to be a hard fix. If I see it suffering or declining in health I will euthanize it. But I hope to document its recovery here. I would be surprised if it didn't have a scar but Discus have surprised me before in their healing abilities. I did not think about doing this yesterday so we have to start on Day 2. Which is the first dose of antibiotics.
Day 2..
2018-11-18 13.31.16.jpg