Are these tapeworms ?

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  • Craig420
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2021
    • 1

    Are these tapeworms ?

    98DCFC9F-0C63-489A-B4E7-D8946A085FB4.jpgHey I’m not sure if my pic was attached, in any case Yesterday I gave a course of API general cure to my newly acquired discus that I have in my quarantine tank , and mixed some medication into the beef heart I am feeding them . The quarantine tank is going fine . I decided to feed the same medicated food to my established tank yesterday and today I noticed that one of the discus I have ( one of a mated pair ) has multiple white strings hanging from it’s Anus . It doesn’t look like poop . It is puzzling to me because that fish seams healthy and it like I said a egg laying female . Is it possible that she has always had tapeworms and not that I gave her medication that she is expelling them ?
    If anyone can lend some knowledge I would appreciate it a lot
  • jeep
    • Jul 2002
    • 7296
    • O.P. KS
    • Brian

    Re: Are these tapeworms ?

    Looks like it! Try prazi... and I would treat all your fish...

