Hi all, I own 7 discus currently and had tried to own 3 more from a local breeder. After a 2 weeks of QT I added them to the tank a few days later the discus I added turned black and started acting sickly (meanwhile the 7 existing discus and the clown loaches are still fine). Quickly added them back to the QT and treated them unfortunately all the discus passed . I was told that this is called cross contamination and this happens with discus. I was told to treat my main tank with potassium permanganate. Is this the best option to rid my tank of whatever killed those fish? How would I go about dosing my tank and will it kill off my biological filter? Any help would be appreciated, my tank parameters were all good when this happened.
0 ppm ammo
0 nitrite
10 ppm nitrate. 3-4 wc weekly.
0 ppm ammo
0 nitrite
10 ppm nitrate. 3-4 wc weekly.