Hi all, new to the forum and first time posting. I’m relatively new to discus but have been in the hobby for 15+ years. I got some discus back in June of 2024 from a friend of mine and they were doing great at first. I quarantined them for a month before putting them into my 75 gallon display tank and all was well so I transferred them to the main tank. Over the last few months, they have been eating and growing except for one. It’s been slowly getting skinnier even though it does eat but not much. I’ve fed medicated flakes and medicated bloodworms but no change. Any ideas if this is a parasite or something else going on? I plan on taking it out of the 75 and putting it back in quarantine to medicate but what should I medicate with? I have a plethora of meds on hand so I just need some guidance as to what to dose with.
Parasite or something else?
Parasite or something else?
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My best guess is that the fish has hex. They all do since they've been sharing the same aquarium. If you have the tank space, I'd remove all the fish to a BB tank and treat with metronidazole at 500 mg per 10 gallons for 10 days. Do the full 500 mg per 10 treatment every day since metro doesn't percist in the water. Crank up the heat to 93 if your heaters will go that high since hex is more vunerable to the meds at high temps. Do huge WC daily for the entire treatment time.Mama Bear -
My best guess is that the fish has hex. They all do since they've been sharing the same aquarium. If you have the tank space, I'd remove all the fish to a BB tank and treat with metronidazole at 500 mg per 10 gallons for 10 days. Do the full 500 mg per 10 treatment every day since metro doesn't percist in the water. Crank up the heat to 93 if your heaters will go that high since hex is more vunerable to the meds at high temps. Do huge WC daily for the entire treatment time.Comment