Discus Bloat
This is looking more like an infection at this point. Kanamycin is a great antibiotic for this condition if you can find it.
I'll go out on a limb here. Even though I haven't used it, and I haven't seen any true first hand success stories, and I don't normally recommend it because of the lack of first hand success stories, Bactocide 2 is being touted as an internal medication for infections and should be available in the UK. I would try acquiring some kanamycin if possible, but maybe bactocide could be a a compromise. The ingredients are a well guarded secret.Comment
This is looking more like an infection at this point. Kanamycin is a great antibiotic for this condition if you can find it.
I'll go out on a limb here. Even though I haven't used it, and I haven't seen any true first hand success stories, and I don't normally recommend it because of the lack of first hand success stories, Bactocide 2 is being touted as an internal medication for infections and should be available in the UK. I would try acquiring some kanamycin if possible, but maybe bactocide could be a a compromise. The ingredients are a well guarded secret.
out of curiosity would it be worth attempting to drain the swelling if it doesn’t decrease?
I wouldn't recommend trying to drain it. I once had one a little worse off and I tried this and it died an very painful death almost immediately.
And adding additional ES won't really help either. Epsom salts is a laxative for blockage, and can can help reduce minor swelling, but you only need a little. Increasing the does won't do anything.
Kanamycin is the only thing I can think of. Do you even have Kanaplex available? We can buy it off the shelf here. It's a watered down version but certainly better than nothing.Comment
I’ve contacted my vets and sent them a video. Hopefully they will be able to assist, my wife has popped to the local fish shop and recommend a anti internal bacteria medication that we can attempt to buy some time until the vets get back to usComment
Got some Kanaplex on the way which will be here in a couple of days.
Some red, blood like discharge came out of the Discus today.. I'm assuming that's really not good!
I've done a salt and Anti internal bacteria treatment and he's currently swimming around seeming ok.Comment
It's good that he passed anything regardless of the blood. You might have a chance with this fish. I hope that your Kanaplex arrives soon.Mama BearComment
I agree with Liz. And, this appears to prove it's an infection that may not be building up pressure. Make sure you keep the water extra clean an remove any puss looking junk. The increased bacteria in the water could lead to gill issues. I would add 3-5TBS regular salt per 10g and replace the percentage of salt removed during water change.
And, you can double up on the kanaplex.Comment
Just to make sure you understand, Brian says to add table salt, not Epsom salt. Some people get confused between the two.Mama BearComment
The water is cloudy from all the bacteria he's expelling into the water. Be sure to squeeze out the sponge every day, too. You are doing everything you can with what you have. We're all pulling for you.Mama BearComment
I agree with Liz. And, this appears to prove it's an infection that may not be building up pressure. Make sure you keep the water extra clean an remove any puss looking junk. The increased bacteria in the water could lead to gill issues. I would add 3-5TBS regular salt per 10g and replace the percentage of salt removed during water change.
And, you can double up on the kanaplex.Comment