Re: Potassium Permanganate use affects fish deaths from Pathogenic bacterial infecti
Whats really sad for me is that Discus have this reputation of being a weak fish and difficult fish. It actually deters hobbyists from keeping them. But the reality isnt that discus are weak.. its thats theres so much bad advice out there that discus do get stressed, get sick and die prematurely. It not the fault of the fish..its the fault of the hobbyist.
Whats really sad for me is that Discus have this reputation of being a weak fish and difficult fish. It actually deters hobbyists from keeping them. But the reality isnt that discus are weak.. its thats theres so much bad advice out there that discus do get stressed, get sick and die prematurely. It not the fault of the fish..its the fault of the hobbyist.