Cost of Beefheart in your area..
$1.79/pound when I last bought it (2+ years ago). They were butterflied and almost all of the connective tissue was gone. It was a 60 pound box. Cleaning them was pretty darn easy. -
It's hard to find on my area but one store is up to $3.59lb. It used to be .89. I have a connection for $2 per heart but it's a 14 hour drive, lol...Leave a comment:
Due to their kindness my pork slaughter house up the road gives me pieces of heart for free. They make their money from selling the heart valves to the hospitals.😎 1Leave a comment:
My local slaughterhouse went from $3 each to $3 per pound, when they have them. Lately most people that have their beef slaughtered want to keep the organs. Reminds me I need to see if any are available this week.Leave a comment:
Cost of Beefheart in your area..
Thought it might be interesting to see what beefheart costs in your area..
Was grocery shopping today and our big y supermarket had beefheart..
$5.99 lb ..uncleaned fresh beefheart. That is ridiculous when I can buy a steak for $1.00 more.
Organ meat used to be a cheap protein source for aquaculture.. not anymore , at least in CT.
How about where you are?
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