There are many important reasons to choose Live Blackworms for your fish instead of frozen and machine prepared "fast" foods. Obviously, live foods are the truly perfect nutritional source for your tropical fish, but are you aware of some of these other reasons?...
Our Blackworms are small enough ( no larger then one inch long or the size of a pin) for all tropical fish to devour them.
The uneaten worms will not die and decay in your aquarium gravel bed and filtration system. Our California Blackworms ( our Blackworms are not Tubifex )are raised in controlled conditions and are free of parasites and pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria.
Aquatic Foods uses a high protein manufactured feed along with an advanced reproduction environment which allows our live food to compete with the basic flakes and frozen foods that are available.
Your fish will love devouring these live Blackworms. Thus, following nature's instincts, they will glow with emotional health.
And something we never forget here at Aquatic Foods, you always want to give your tropical fish the very best because.. they belong to you!
Summary, these rich, succulent Blackworms are teeming with nutrition. Your tropical fish will quickly show the vibrant glow of health that nature intended for them when you include live foods in their diet.
California Blackworms provide the most excellent source of protein, and are extremely useful as a conditioning food for breeding preparation.
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Aquatic Foods