Red Wigglers...

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  • Sean Buehrle
    Registered Member
    • May 2004
    • 1693

    I got some wigglers this summer and have been feeding them all the waste and old veggies from the fridge.

    I've also been tearing up newspapers for them to eat.

    I forgot all about them for a few weeks and decided I better check on them .

    They have made a ton of castings this time.
    I'll bet I've gotten 30 pounds of castings since June., great for the garden.

    Here's a pic


    • LizStreithorst
      • Jan 2005
      • 13937
      • Moselle, MS

      Re: Red Wigglers...

      It's beautiful stuff, isn't it? During the winter months I use oak leaves and horse poo to enrich the soil, but where I have my winter garden planted the horse poo is too strong. I dig in my worm castings before I replant in the Spring.
      Mama Bear


      • Sean Buehrle
        Registered Member
        • May 2004
        • 1693

        Originally posted by LizStreithorst
        It's beautiful stuff, isn't it? During the winter months I use oak leaves and horse poo to enrich the soil, but where I have my winter garden planted the horse poo is too strong. I dig in my worm castings before I replant in the Spring.
        I have a really nice compost pile in the yard. I throw all kinds of stuff in it. Eggshells, coffee grinds , potato peels and a ton of grass.

        In the spring I till it into my tomato and pepper rows.

        I swear that I build 8 foot 2x2 wood cages for my tomatoes and they reach it no problem.

        I grew a plant about 6 years ago that took up half my garden

        I have a picture of it on a disc and will try and post it.

        I love growing tomatoes.

        Believe it or not, up until a couple weeks ago I had a jalapeño plant that was still producing peppers in my compost pile.

        I'm in Iowa and its been pretty cold here at times, so that pretty crazy.

        It's going to be nice to have some castings to go in there this spring.

        I love gardening


        • TURQ64
          Registered Member
          • Jan 2011
          • 3469
          • farthest outpost

          Re: Red Wigglers...

          Mine are doing well,but...I'm fearing a dilemma, as the groundwill stay frozen here for 4 more months, and the local stores don't stock gardening supplies this time of year..No source for 'dirt'....I used to crawl under the house for dry dirt when trapping, but way too stove up for that nowdays...for a kink, I'm going to try a row of 'ghost' peppers nxt season..
          The meek shall inherit the earth. The oceans are for the brave.


          • Sean Buehrle
            Registered Member
            • May 2004
            • 1693

            Originally posted by TURQ64
            Mine are doing well,but...I'm fearing a dilemma, as the groundwill stay frozen here for 4 more months, and the local stores don't stock gardening supplies this time of year..No source for 'dirt'....I used to crawl under the house for dry dirt when trapping, but way too stove up for that nowdays...for a kink, I'm going to try a row of 'ghost' peppers nxt season..
            I just watched a YouTube video of a guy eating a ghost pepper LOL

            I'm going to see if I can get a few seeds and try them out


            • TURQ64
              Registered Member
              • Jan 2011
              • 3469
              • farthest outpost

              Re: Red Wigglers...

              we're having some outrageous weather for the North Country; upper 40's today,so..I'm taking a pick and shovel out to get some new dirt for my various worms....
              The meek shall inherit the earth. The oceans are for the brave.


              • Chicago Discus
                SimplyDiscus Sponsor

                • Oct 2011
                • 5828
                • Chicago

                Re: Red Wigglers...

                are you guys feeding red wigglers to your discus?
                Chicago Discus


                • TURQ64
                  Registered Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 3469
                  • farthest outpost

                  Re: Red Wigglers...

                  I feed the tiny ones to any of my Discus..I feed medium's to some Discus, mostly wild, and I feed adults to my Stingrays as variety from 'crawlers...I feed some 'crawlers to my wilds..The Greens and Blues eat them, but not the Heckel's.
                  The meek shall inherit the earth. The oceans are for the brave.


                  • LizStreithorst
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 13937
                    • Moselle, MS

                    Re: Red Wigglers...

                    I'll go you one better, Gary. I feed vermicompost to my newly free swimming fry that are yet to small to take BBS. They leave their parent's sides to feast on it. Give it a try.
                    Mama Bear


                    • Sean Buehrle
                      Registered Member
                      • May 2004
                      • 1693

                      Originally posted by LizStreithorst
                      I'll go you one better, Gary. I feed vermicompost to my newly free swimming fry that are yet to small to take BBS. They leave their parent's sides to feast on it. Give it a try.
                      Are you talking about the castings?


                      • LizStreithorst
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 13937
                        • Moselle, MS

                        Re: Red Wigglers...

                        Yes, and even some of the less digested worm stuff that was decmposing but not rotten. What I fed my terder fry had semi worm eaten horse poo in it.

                        This is the second time I've posted about this here. I even posted pics! Nobody wants to give it a go. What's the harm? You can always hoover it out. I got incredable growth from my tiny ones.
                        Mama Bear


                        • Sean Buehrle
                          Registered Member
                          • May 2004
                          • 1693

                          Originally posted by LizStreithorst
                          Yes, and even some of the less digested worm stuff that was decmposing but not rotten. What I fed my terder fry had semi worm eaten horse poo in it.

                          This is the second time I've posted about this here. I even posted pics! Nobody wants to give it a go. What's the harm? You can always hoover it out. I got incredable growth from my tiny ones.
                          Well next time I'm blessed with some fry I'll no doubt give it a shot.

                          It sounds plausible if you take into consideration all the microorganisms and tiny tiny bugs that are at work in the composted stuff.

                          Yeah I can see this working.


                          • LizStreithorst
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 13937
                            • Moselle, MS

                            Re: Red Wigglers...

                            Originally posted by Sean Buehrle
                            It sounds plausible if you take into consideration all the microorganisms and tiny tiny bugs that are at work in the composted stuff.
                            You've nailed it. But I, the most awe inspiring Discus keeper of all time, who has never done anything stupid, and who has never made a mistake came up with it simply by saying to myself, "Let's try this and see what happens".
                            Mama Bear


                            • Sean Buehrle
                              Registered Member
                              • May 2004
                              • 1693

                              Originally posted by LizStreithorst
                              You've nailed it. But I, the most awe inspiring Discus keeper of all time, who has never done anything stupid, and who has never made a mistake came up with it simply by saying to myself, "Let's try this and see what happens".
                              I am in awe and will probably be speachless if I ever am graced with your presence in real life


                              • LizStreithorst
                                • Jan 2005
                                • 13937
                                • Moselle, MS

                                Re: Red Wigglers...

                                Now, THAT's what I wanted to hear. I'll go so far as to buy you a beer at NADA for having said that. If my presence strikes you speachless it won't bother me.

                                Try it and let me know. It sure 'nough worked for my tiny ones.
                                Last edited by LizStreithorst; 12-27-2011, 01:00 AM. Reason: why are there 2 "speachless"'s in the post and only the one "speachless" when I go to edit it?
                                Mama Bear

